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-few days later

"Yes Cam, I'll be visiting soon." Kyla sat the phone up as she cooked

"Good, I miss you and my niece and nephew."

"We miss you more."

"What about me?" Mekai came into the camera's view

"Kai?!" Cam gasped from excitement "When did you get there?"

"Hold on Cam." Kyla quickly put the phone on mute

"Why you mute it?"

"Her or my mom don't know about you being here yet."


"So I wanted a chance to tell them first."

"We can't keep playing hide and seek. Just because you did it for a year doesn't mean I am." He took the phone, taking Cam off mute

"I got here a few weeks ago. I haven't seen you in a long time. You lost a tooth?"

"Yeah. Momma' gave me money."

"What about the tooth fairy?"

"Ain't no such thang' as the tooth fairy." She said, showing her missing tooth "Only little kids believe in that."

"Excuse me, lil lady." He chuckled "I didn't know I was talking to a big kid."

"Duh Kai, I'm 7 now."

"Girl who you on the pho-Mekaaai" Sylvia smiled, hiding her true shocked expression

"He knows about everything already ma'." Kyla said

"Whew." Sylvia released a breath of relief "I apologize for lying about not knowing where she was honey, I was just helping my child."

"I understand Sylvia. I'm pass all that, I just want to take care of my kids."

"Of course." She smiled and nodded "Cam, that homework ain't gonna' do itself. Say goodbye."

Cam sighed and pouted "Bye Kai."

"Bye, I'll talk to you soon." he said before handing Kyla the phone

"Love you Ky."

"Love you, lil bit." Kyla said before letting the phone hang up

"Damn, she's gotten so big now." That was the first time he'd spoken to Camryn in about 8 months

Kyla chuckled "Yeah, 7 was a big deal for her."

They stayed quiet in a awkward silence before somebody knocked on the door.

"I got it." Mekai said

"Hi, I'm Sean. Is Kyla here?" Mr. Williams stood at the front door

Kyla hurried out of the kitchen and to the front door.

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