WAT 3| 94.

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"I already told you, I don't know who hit me in the head. I just know how the man looked who took my twins, that should be enough fo' y'all asses to find him!" Kyla stood up, getting irritated

"'Ma'am, please don't get violent with me." The white female officer said

"Bitch ain't nobody gettin' violent! You been sitting here asking me the same dumbass questions for two hours! My damn kids could be anywhere, he could've done anything to 'em!" she felt her throat burning with tears wanting to escape

"I'm going to ask that you have a seat, so I can continue."

She side eyed her, thinking about smacking the shit out of her, but assaulting an officer would only add more problems right now.

Kyla sat down, letting out a deep sigh.

"Is the gun you pulled on the man registered?"

"Yes, and there's two more in my name." she ran her fingers through her semi damp hair

"How long has it been registered?"

"See, what the fuck that gotta' do wit' finding my kids?!" she got irritated again

She felt as if the officer was just making conversation while every other officer lazily investigates the scene.

"Ma'am, you need to-"

"Yo!" Mekai walked in the apartment since the door was wide open

"Kai" Kyla quickly got up

They met each other half way, tightly embracing one another. The tears Kyla had been trying to hold back, broke free as she cried into his chest.

"What y'all doin' in here?" Mekai asked while holding a sniffling Kyla close to him

"Wasting my fuckin' time." Kyla said, pulling out of his embrace "They been sitting here bullshitin' me with dumb questions."

"Sir, who are you?" The officer asked, ignoring Kyla

"The father."

"Why'd it take you so long to get here?"

"What? That ain't none of yo' damn business."

"We've had cases where parents have kidnapped their own children." She pulled out her pen and pad "Can you answer the question please?"

"Bitch, you sound dumb." Mekai squinted "Get the fuck out, as a matta' fact, all y'all asses get out!"

"We have to-"

"We'll call y'all when we wanna' continue. I know how this shit work, get the hell out." He fanned her off

Kyla went into the kitchen, gathering up the other officers. Who, from the looks of it, weren't doing much investigating.

"Could you bring us some coffee?" The one sitting by the counter asked

"Hell no, and get the fuck out!"


"Kai, where we going?"

"This the man who helped me find you."

"Not even to sound like a asshole, but baby that took a year."

"Because yo' ass ain't wanna' be found. He gone move faster than the police."

"Ok..." she sighed, looking out the window and playing with her fingers

"Aye, we gone find them." He held her hand with his free one, seeing she was as nervous as he was

"I should've shot." She rolled her eyes, annoyed with herself "I wasn't sure about it because he was holding the kids, but-"

"You did the right thing. Besides, shooting is too easy fo' what I got in store when we find 'em." He pulled in front of a dark, abandoned looking house

"Put yo hood on." He said before getting out

They both got out walked up the house.

"Who you?" Someone asked from inside soon as they walked on the porch

Kyla looked around, wondering how he knew they were out there, then she saw the camera in the corner of the porch.

"Needed some eggs." Mekai said, using the code

The door opened itself and they walked in. Kyla wanted to grab his hand, but she knew he wouldn't put her in danger so she just stood close by.

"Wassup man." The guy said from behind the computer

"Wassup, we need ya' help." They dapped each other up

"What can I do fo' you?"

"Somebody took our kids. It was two people in the house tho'. She know how one of 'em look."

"Oh shit, wassup lost and found." The guy joked with Kyla

Kyla mugged him before and after getting the joke "Bit-"

"Chill." Mekai knew she wasn't in the joking mood, neither was he "Now ain't the time."

"I feel you" he nodded "So, can you tell me how he looked?" He pulled out a big paper pad and pencil

Quick lil' filler. I have free time so I'm just writing and publishing freely. ☺️

-Carlisha ❤️

With a Twist.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ