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Kyla woke up in bed alone. She sat up looking around the room, remembering all the events that took place last night.

"What's the matter baby?" Mekai turned the light off in the bathroom

She looked at her engagement ring and smiled "I missed my fiancée cuddling me, come back to bed."

Of course she said yes and she meant it with every bone in her body. Now this meant she had to tell him, not right now though.


"Stop" she giggled as Mekai left kisses along her jawline "How am I supposed to cook and you keep distracting me?"

"I just can't get enough of you" he circled his tongue around a hickey he created from a few hours before

"Kai..." he made her body shiver with pleasure and he was barely touching her

His arms went around her waist. He loved watching her body respond to him.

"My fiancée so fine." he held his phone in his hand, recording on Snapchat "Let me see that ice baby"

Kyla lifted her hand up, letting the camera see her engagement ring.

"You so worrisome." she blushed, covering her grin

Mekai posted the video and locked his phone. "I love you" he said lowly into her ear, rocking both of their bodies from side to side

"I love you too."

"And I can't wait to marry you, knock you up, and live happily ever after with you and all our big headed kids"

The relaxation Kyla was beginning to feel, went away "Yeah...How do you want your eggs?"

"Scrambled with cheese, like always." he began rubbing on her hips

"You know what that does, move." she tucked her bottom lip between her teeth

"We can start on the baby making right now if you want."

"One thing at a time." she chuckled, moving his hands

"I'm just joking." he went in the fridge and grabbed the orange juice


"Why do I have to find out through social media that my best friend is engaged?" Laura asked

"That's not important right now. I need to talk to you about something." Kyla said to her as they walked in the library

"What's wrong?"

"I have a secret I need to tell Mekai, I just don't know how." she bit at her bottom lip, looking for the book she needed to check out

"Don't tell me you cheated too" she sighed

"Hell no. It's about something going on with me."

"Kyla, you pregnant?" her eyes lit up

"No, but it's pertaining to that. I have to tell him soon. I don't wanna start off my engagement with negative energy."

"I feel you, then you should tell him." Laura looked through the books

"What if he gets mad?"

"Ok, I seriously need you to tell me the full story, because why would he be mad at you?"

"I'll explain it to you after I let him know."

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