Chapter 1

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Natsuki's Diary

    Dear Diary,

    School is as boring as ever. The only place I find some happiness is in the literature club with my three friends and the biggest crush I have ever had. Monika let me put all my manga in the closet (just where me and my manga belongs) recently and I really appreciate her letting me do that, though I'd never say that out loud. Sayori is as cheery as ever, along with MC. Yuri, on the other hand... well... She's Yuri. Super smart, really beautiful, and waaay out of my league. I'm pretty sure she could crush me like a bug considering how tall she is.

    Enough writing, I have to get to the club right now. The bell just rang and I can't be late. I have limited time with Yuri and I have to get there on time so I don't look bad! Impressions matter.

    Natsuki ran into the empty classroom and was greeted cheerfully by Sayori and MC.

    "Hey Natsuki! What's the rush?" Sayori patted Natsuki on the back.

    "Oh, uh, nothing. I just wanted to get here earlier than everyone else! It looks like I lost." Natsuki gave a flustered smile.

    "Hey, Natsuki, you dropped your diary on your way in..." Natsuki felt her heart sink as MC picked up the pink diary with star stickers plastered on it. She felt Sayori quickly run past her and snatch the diary out of MC's hand.

    "That's not mine!" Natsuki quickly retorted.

    "Natsuki, it says your name right on the front and it's pink," Sayori laughed. "I didn't know you had a diary!"

    "Give it baaack!" Natsuki protested, but Sayori was already flipping through the pages. A small photo fell out of the diary and Natsuki felt her soul leave her body. 

    "Oooh, what's this?" Sayori picked up the small photo that fell to the ground. It was from a photo of all the literature club, but all the other members were cut out so the photo only showcased Natsuki and Yuri. Yuri had her arm around Natsuki's waist, and Natsuki did the same. A small blush was drawn over Natsuki's face, and Yuri had a wide smile. Small hearts were drawn on the photo with a bright pink gel pen. Natsuki felt her heart explode.

    "It says here... Yuri is super smart, really beauti-" Sayori's sentence was cut off as she was toppled to the ground. Natsuki wrestled at her to get the diary back, and Sayori was laughing. MC watched from a distance, totally bug-eyed and not sure what to do.

    "Natsuki has a cruuuush!!!" Sayori sung as she wrestled to keep the diary.

    "I do NOT!" Natsuki fought back and finally got the diary back.

    "What is happening here?" Monika and Yuri had both been at the doorframe, watching as Natsuki pummeled Sayori to the ground. Natsuki felt her face go red.

"Natsuki has a cru-" Sayori stopped as Natsuki put her hands over Sayori's mouth.

"Nothing." Natsuki smiled with gritted teeth.

Both Monika and Yuri looked at each other in confusion, then back at to the two girls.

"Natsuki has a cru? I think you were trying to say crush before Natsuki stopped you." Monika laughed, then gave her hands to pull the two girls up.

"Yea, Natsuki. You have a crush, don't you?" Sayori brushed the dirt off of her knees and smiled widely at Natsuki. Natsuki's face was totally red at this point.

"Who is it?" Yuri put a hand on Natsuki's shoulder, and she felt like she was about to pass out. Sayori giggled and jumped like a puppy.

"So cute! I could totally see it happening! Oh my gosh Natsuki, how are you gonna tell her? You guys are like opposites! I never thought you could have feelings like that, well, I know deep down in there you love but wow!"

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