Chapter 7

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(This chapter will be set as Sayori's POV, I really wanna delve into the other characters as well ahh)

       I woke up and I already knew today was going to be a difficult day.

       It was Monday, for one, which was always a drag to start off with. I heard my alarm from my phone buzz loudly. I turned it off with a quick sigh, blinking my eyes.

       The last thing I wanted to do right now was to get up. If anything, all I wanted to do was lay in my bed and rot away like a fruit. My body felt heavy and unmovable. I could almost feel my eye bags dragging me down.

    Most of the time, I would've put on some makeup to cover that up, or cover up my face in general, but I couldn't possibly do it now. I was way too tired and depressed.

    I finally hauled myself up, realizing with a jolt that I was already almost late for school. Did I really just sulk through thirty minutes of my morning? Wow, I needed to really get it together.

    Grabbing my bag and clumsily shutting off the light, I tore my way out of my house, slamming the door behind me. I weaved my fingers through my hair, trying to brush it out since I was unable to in the rush.

    I pretty much ran to my classroom once I got to the school, breathing heavily I sat my bag next to my desk. The moment I sat down, the bell rang. I gave out a shaky sigh, I had barely made it. Well, at least I didn't get tardy again.

    The day seemed to go way faster than I anticipated. It was probably because I slept through half of the classes, though... At this point I didn't care if the teachers scolded me. Everything around me felt buzzed out and far out of reach.

    The bell screamed, it was the end of the day before I knew it. Grabbing my backpack, I dragged myself to the literature club. Trying my best to put on a smile, I let myself in the room to be greeted by Monika.

    "Hi Sayori!" Monika smiled, but I saw a wave of uncertainty pass as she looked at me. It was subtle, but I caught it.

    "Hey Monika," I replied, but my voice crackled a little bit. Apparently I wasn't good at hiding things either. I gave a sweet little smile to try to make up for my mistake. Apparently it didn't work, though, because Monika's expression changed to pure worry.

    "Sayori, are you alright?" Monika whispered, getting closer and resting a hand on my shoulder.

    "Yea, I'm great! What makes you think that I'm not?" I tilted my head a bit, backing up so Monika's hand lifted off my shoulder. I don't want her to touch me. I don't deserve her affection or help.

    "I saw you pretty much bolt to class today, did you oversleep again?" Monika took another step forward, her words were soaked with empathy.

    "Haha, yea I did." I lied. "My alarm is bad at waking me up, ehehe..."

    "Also, you forgot your bow. You never forget your bow, something must be up. Did you even brush your hair this morning?" Monika took her hand and brushed it through my frizzy hair. I smacked myself in the head for that, how could I have I forgotten my bow? That must've made me look off in the first place, not even talking about the eye bags and frizzy hair.

       "Oh, I didn't even realize!" At least I said one thing true. "Silly me, I can be really forgetful."

Monika opened her mouth to say something else, but she was cut off by MC entering the classroom.

"Hey guys! Oh my gosh Sayori, I'm surprised you're not asleep! You were sleeping throughout pretty much every class." MC laughed, patting me on the back. Crap. I had totally forgot that MC had almost every class with me. Now Monika would know that I didn't oversleep, and that something really was up.

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