Chapter 13

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Coming to the front of the door I unlocked it swiftly. I hurried Natsuki inside, then upstairs.
Almost right away she jumped onto my bed, letting her face fall into the warm purple blanket I had spread across it. Quiet sobs and shakes started to emit from her.

Carefully and as loudly as I could to let Natsuki know I was there I sat down next to her.
"Do you... do you want to talk about this?" I cringed painfully as I realized how stupid that sounded.  "I mean I... I just want to know everything. Not because of anything malicious, I want to so I can protect you."

"Where do I even start?" Natsuki's crackly voice responded, a small and pained laugh came from her lips.

"You can start wherever you are most comfortable with, I don't want to push you." I inquired. Natsuki flipped over so she could breathe fully. She took one sleeve to wipe the tears stained on her face.

"I don't know it... it all started when my Mom died, I guess. My dad was torn into two and he started to drink a lot. He was heartbroken, and I never blamed him for that. As it went on, though... he would start to turn that sadness into full fledged drunk anger." My heart splintered at Natsuki's weak voice. Her lip trembled, eyes threatening to spill with more tears as she continued.

"He... he... when he started to... to beat me he would most likely remember it later or figure out when he saw the bruises. At first he would snap out of it and say he was sorry, but after awhile he stopped. He just became... cold. Really really cold. It was like everything he used to be was just blown away with the wind."
I opened my mouth to say something only to close it again as I thought of something to say.

"He used to be so nice I don't... I don't get it. I hardly remember it but the memories I do remember," She smiled a soft, sad smile. "I remember one time both of my parents surprised me with icecream after graduating kindergarten. I was beyond happy, eating icecream with my two loving parents. He would scruff up my hair and say, you look just like your mother!" Natsuki's smile faded.

"I'm so sorry Natsuki," I was able to choke out something, though it wasn't very comforting. Natsuki reached out to lock arms with me, pressing her shaky body against mine.

"It's alright." Natsuki sighed. "It's just... sometimes I think it's partly my fault, looking like my mom and all. I'm pretty much a living reminder of how my mom is dead."

"It is not your fault," I pressed myself closer to her. "All of this is not your fault, Natsuki. I can see why you think that but you didn't deserve that abuse. No one does, but especially not you."

There was silence for a moment before Natsuki spoke up again.

"What are we going to do?"

I was expecting that question, so I replied full heartley.

"I want to call the police," I affirmed. "I don't know if you want me to, though." Natsuki flinched.

"Yuri, I don't know," She began.

"Natsuki I know you probably don't want to but," I sighed and swallowed dryly. "I don't want you to get hurt again."

"I don't want you to get hurt," Natsuki whimpered. "He has told me before he'll kill me or anyone else if I told anyone about this... I didn't want you to know this I... I don't want him to hurt you the way he does to me."

"Natsuki, no, he won't be able to hurt me if we call the police. He said that to scare you, he knows that you're kind and don't want to hurt others he... That fucking bitch." I spluttered that last part out bitterly.

"Are you sure? He seemed uh... super serious about it." She flinched slightly as if remembering a bad memory.

"I'm sure but... If we do call you are going to have to explain everything to them. You are going to have to show them the bruises and everything." Natsuki was still shaking slightly.

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