Chapter 6

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Dear Diary,
       I'm back at home now, though I wish I wasn't. Yuri's house was quite the experience to say the least. Had we almost.... Nevermind, I am probably jumping to conclusions. There's no way she could like me in that way. School is tomorrow. Maybe I'll be able to suck it up and ask Yuri about it. I really hope she doesn't pack me a lunch though, that would be pretty embarrassing and I would feel so so guilty. I don't deserve that. I should probably stop sulking and actually get up to make the cupcakes I was planning on making. See ya.

    Natsuki flopped out of her bed, closing her diary and throwing it to her side. She tiptoed downstairs, she was relieved that her dad had gone out for the day. If luck treated her, he would be gone the whole day.

    Natsuki opened the cupboard and grimaced as she remembered they didn't have any batter to make the cupcakes. There was some leftover frosting and sprinkles, though, so Natsuki took those out and set them on the counter.

    Natsuki went over to the couch, shoved her hand down the cushions and grabbed whatever change she could find. Score! Natsuki had found a few crumpled dollars underneath and a few coins. She snatched them up, it should be enough to pay for some batter.

    Natsuki threw on a sweatshirt and trotted away, heading to the grocery store conveniently just a few blocks away. Natsuki liked the feel of it outside, she could smell fall gripping its fingers slightly over the weather. A cool breeze drifted, but the sun was still shining warmly overhead. Natsuki thought fall fitted perfectly with Sayori, fall was a very bittersweet season for her. It was a nice season, rustling with beautiful colors, but it had the tastes of a bitter winter peaking through it. Natsuki smiled, thinking of her bubbly and loud friend. She wondered what she would be doing today. Probably still freaking out about the festival.
Natsuki wasn't sure why, but when she thought about the festival she felt super queasy. Normally she would've been alright with it, though she probably wouldn't be able to contribute much considering how she didn't have the money. She just felt unnecessarily nervous. She brushed it off as just not getting enough to eat, it really did mess with her sometimes.

The pink haired girl didn't spend much time in the store, she quickly got some vanilla mix and went on her way. She hoped that everyone liked vanilla, she was sure that it was a pretty popular and even choice for many.

Natsuki was relieved when she got home, her father was still absent. Probably out getting drunk, she thought with a roll of her eyes.

Grabbing some supplies from the cupboards and from under her bed (she was afraid her father would throw away some things), she began to make the wonderfully sugary mix. She preheated the oven with a push of her finger, and began to hum as she created the thing she loved to bake the most.

Natsuki never really knew why cupcakes were her favorite. She always had a keenness towards them. The fluffy cake like bottom with icing on top really pandered to her. The many possibilities of cupcakes were endless, ranging from big to small. The personalities of each and every cupcake were different.

Just like people.

Every person was different in Natsuki's mind, ranging from big and loud personalities to small and shy ones. Each person had different sprinkles they liked to wear, different amounts of icing spread across their sweet heart. Some cupcakes were dropped, their icing smearing off and bits of their sprinkles broken. They tried to remake themselves, but you could almost always tell which one had been dropped out of the bunch of seamlessly perfect yet unique cupcakes.

Natsuki was snapped from her thoughts as the oven beeped at her. She poured the batter into each cupcake tray, and threw them inside the oven to bake.

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