Extra Holiday Chapter

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The smell of sugar cookies wafted throughout the small house. Lights were strung around, illuminating flashy colors. The atmosphere felt almost... warm. The hint of safety amongst the walls was calming.

Yuri would be home soon, Natsuki noted.

The tree before her stood tall in glory, small ornaments decorated spastically along it. Candy canes, picture frames, snowmen... all dangling together in harmony. Some neat presents lined the bottom of the tree, wrapped by Yuri. The others were very obviously wrapped by the pinkette herself, they weren't very... carefully done to say the least.

One present, however, was missing.
Which was a present Natsuki had planned to get Yuri ever since they became friends.

She blushed lightly thinking of her now known girlfriend. Natsuki wanted her first Christmas out of her house not only to be special for her, but Yuri as well.

Natsuki lifted herself from the carpet where she sat, dragging to her and Yuri's room.
She had texted Yuri earlier in the day as she was out getting more supplies for the cookies Natsuki was making. The instructions were simple; to not go into her room. The tall girl was confused, but understood as it had been 'a super big surprise of a present.'

Monika and Sayori would be heading over any minute now, along with Yuri, so Natsuki had to be quick. Tiptoeing into the room, she shut the door behind her swiftly.

What she was met with was a small meow.

On the large bed ahead of her laid a fluffy black cat. It's paws were big, neck puffed out in curiosity, pink nose sniffing. Huge amber eyes rounded softly onto Natsuki.

"Hey girl," Natsuki cooed softly at the cat. She placed a careful hand on it, scratching its face and chin. The cat purred in content, tail curling.

Natsuki had found this cat on a shelter's website quite some time ago. Seeing this cat immediately set Natsuki's heart aflame. How couldn't it? The cat was pretty much the cat equivalent of her girlfriend. Long and dark flowing hair, along with the lanky legs. Eyes that showed sparkling emotions through them.

Along with this, Natsuki knew Yuri always dreamed about having a cat. One one end; cats were very calming creatures with a mind of their own. On the other; it would help her anxiety even more. She had been going to therapy and had always gotten support from Natsuki and her friends, but Natsuki knew sometimes it was just nice to sit down and scratch the head of an animal.

She had talked to Sayori and Monika before deciding where her heart lay. Sayori had been overjoyed at the thought of a kitten being present, and Monika advised to get an older cat as they would be much less rowdy along with being last picks at the shelter. Sayori then changed her mind, thinking having an older cat would be just fine too. To her, any type of cat no matter what would be a perfect little companion. Natsuki didn't realize how much Sayori actually loved them...

Natsuki figured it would be a solid thing that both Yuri and her needed and wanted. Cats weren't too expensive, but Natsuki planned on spoiling her already. Both of them agreed they wouldn't want kids... but on the other hand, the feel of fur under Natsuki's nails... she felt like an overprotective mom already.

Natsuki's thoughts were snapped into place as the door opened. Natsuki knew that sound well, she quickly drew away from the cat and closed the door behind her.

"We're home!" The sweet voice of her girlfriend called, along with the chatter of Sayori and Monika. The pink girl trotted over, pressed a firm kiss to the taller's cheek, and helped grab a bag she had in her hands.

"Gosh, I'll never get used to that! You guys are too cute!" Sayori's squealed happily. Both Yuri and Natsuki rolled their eyes and snickered.

Placing the bag on the countertop, she began to dig through it. Sure enough, there was a lot of cookie dough and frosting. Alongside that were a few candles and a box of matches. Natsuki poured the contents from the bag and grabbed a match. With a swift strike, the fire crackled to life. She delicately lit the candles, placing them in the kitchen and living room. Sayori and Monika helped put away the cookie dough, and Yuri sat on an island chair, staring at her girlfriend with one cheek placed upon her palm.

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