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THE HOPE OF FINDING RILEY went from a solid 30% to a 0.5% in one day. The news illustrated about a wildly active serial killer in Seattle, including Riley Biers as being a non-confirmed possible death by murder. The wolf pack hadn't heard about this of course, since the only TV happened to be in Jacob's house and nobody had turned it on. Gracie was informed by Bella however, as he father kept telling her about how has only contacted Gracie's parents but can't get a hold of Gracie.

Gracie however didn't want to tell anyone about it. She went through Graduation the next day, her parent's had turned up to that at least, but all three found it difficult to be so content about. That night, Gracie said goodbye to her parents and wished them luck in regards to finding any leads on Riley.

Luckily for Gracie, she had that Graduation party at the Cullen's. She's briefly told Embry where she'd be, not that he seemed happy about her going along, and then headed over to Bella's to get dropped off. The pair were wandering around one of the levels of the Cullen's House, bumping into Angela and Jessica.

Bella seemed a little off, especially after she spent the whole car trip there telling Gracie the whole story about Jacob kissing her and her breaking her hand by punching him in the jaw. Gracie couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing.

A moment later, three familiar faces entered the party. Jacob, Quil and Embry. Bella and Gracie exchanged a glance before they each wandered up to each other.

"What are you doing here?" Bella pressed.

"You invited me remember?" Jacob answered, almost sarcastically raising his eyebrows at Gracie.

Bella flicked her eyes, "Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you."

"Look Bella, I'm sorry. About, you know, the kiss and your hand. I'd blame it on the whole inner-animal thing, but it was really just me being an ass." Jacob replied.

Gracie couldn't hold it together, she burst out laughing.

"Good one, Grace. How graceful of you to laugh at my misfortune." Jacob laughed slightly, hoping Bella would too be amused.

Bella sort of made a noise which may or may not have been a smirk, nobody knew. Jacob then held out a charm - of a wolf. A Graduation present. Embry furrowed his eyes, then looked to Gracie in shock almost.

Then by the look of Alice behind them, on the stairs - it was clear she had been given a vision. Bella had noticed first, going straight toward her.

"Alice, what did you see?" Bella sked, standing in front of Alice whilst the boys stood behind, Gracie in between Jacob and Embry.

"The decisions been made." Alice simply said at first.

Jacob looked to Gracie then back to Alice. "What's going on?"

"You're not going to Seattle?" Bella continued to ask her.

Alice shook her head. "No. They're coming here."

The six of them went out onto the balcony, the rest of the Cullen's joining them too.

"They'll be here in four days." Alice spoke first and explaining what she'd seen to Carlisle.

"This could turn into a bloodbath." Carlisle answered, taking a seat on a table behind him.

Embry's hand found Gracie's, squeezing it for reassurance as the young, worried girl looked up to him.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked, softly.

"I didn't see anyone I recognised..." Alice replied, pausing to look at Gracie.

Everybody else looked at Gracie too.

"...Maybe one."

"It's Riley Biers." Edward spoke, looking at Gracie, and speaking slowly.

Jacob snapped his head toward Gracie.

"My brother? He's alive?" Gracie asked quickly.

"Sort of..." Emmet answered from behind them.

Edward pretended he didn't hear any of them talking. "He didn't start this."

"What do you mean, what is happening? Where is my brother?" Gracie was asking so many questions that she looked like she was going to cry or faint.

Embry wrapped his arm around her left arm whilst Jacob held his hand on her right shoulder.

"Whoever started this is staying out of the action. They've turned Riley and now creating an army." Alice explained.

"Hold up. What damn army?" Jacob butted in, flicking his head around at everybody.

"Newborns. Our Kind." Carlisle spoke back to the wolf.

Embry took a breath before asking, "What are they after?"

"They were passing around Bella's scent." Alice said.

"Like a red shirt?" Embry asked.

Edward and Alice turned to him straight away.

"How did you know that?" Edward asked.

Embry looked to Gracie. "I had this dream-like nightmare that Riley was around, holding a red shirt."

"Like a premonition." Jasper continued.

"They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?" Jacob spoke louder at each word.

"It means an ugly fight, with lives lost." Carlisle answered, getting up from his sitting position.

Jacob looked to Embry then Quil before answering. "Alright, we're in."

Gracie turned to Embry, a pout on her face. He ran his hand over her arm, "I'm doing this for you. To get back Riley."

Then it was decided. The wolf pack and the vampires would work together for this battle. Gracie would be up against her own brother. She hadn't processed it yet, but her brother was not her brother in the flesh anymore - he was a vampire.

2017 ©misstonii

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