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AS TYPICAL AS IT WAS FOR GRACIE, the girl managed to hitch a ride from the highway near Quil's house and was heading straight toward Forks. She could only imagine Embry's reaction if he knew she'd gotten into the car of a stranger's, especially as it was heading to sunset. He'd flip. But lucky for Gracie, the driver was a woman and she seemed nice. She was dropped off at the Forks Timber Museum and though the walk via the roads would take 50 minutes, Gracie cut the hike down to 25 minutes just by cutting through the parks and forest areas on her way to Embry's house.

By the time she fixed her eyes on what she believed to be her lover's house, it was nightfall. The lights were only on in the living room. His house was painted in a cream colour and they even had a little back seating area under an awning. The Call's residence was nice and quaint but the unsettling thing was the sound of an argument.

As she drew closer to the house, making sure she was hidden at all times, she heard a woman with a raised voice telling someone off inside. She peered up from behind one of the bushes outside a larger window from the back end of the house. There stood Embry, looking completely defeated. He stared at the ground whilst, who she assumed to be his mother, yelled at him. Not a minute later and he walked toward his bedroom. Every single light went off in the house.

Gracie pressed her back against the plastered wall, not really sure what to do. She hadn't exactly planned anything, she was too erratic for that. She decided, she'd wait a half hour or so.

Nothing could've made half an hour feel like fifty hours than right at this moment. Gracie thought the sun was about to rise without her doing anything but creepily sit outside of Embry's house. She began to think what he'd think if he found her sitting in this very spot. So, Gracie stood up and walked toward the tree line, maybe she would wait till the next day - but just as she thought that a noise sounded behind her. Like a window being slowly opened.

Gracie stood guiltily under a thick tree, watching as Embry hopped out of his bedroom window and was now heading straight toward her, unknowingly.

"Running away are you?" Gracie spoke, without thinking, as she stepped aside from the thick leaves of the tree.

Embry pursed his lips. "Don't tell me you came alone, again?"

"Oh, please. Give me the list of names that you would expect me to bring to your house next time." Gracie sarcastically answered, now losing her excitement to see him quickly.

Embry looked away, clearly embarrassed with himself or his home or something. Something was bothering him. "It's dark outside, Grace."

Gracie didn't respond, but instead watched as Embry took his jacket off and placed it around her own shoulder's for extra warmth in the fall breeze. She looked up at him, now inches away from him but he didn't look happy at all.

"We need each other, Em." Gracie whispered, her hand brushing over his forearm up toward his jawline.

Embry was trying so hard to resist her and Gracie took notice.

"You can't be here." Embry simply said.

"Why do you keep pushing me away?" Gracie pulled away from him and Embry's eyes glistened a little, evidently hurting himself with his own words.

Embry's hand grabbed onto her hand to stop her from moving any further away. "I mean, if my mom finds you here, she'll think you're the one that makes me leave at night. She'll blame you."

Gracie looked up to him, her mouth slightly parted. "Why don't you trust me to know?"

"I trust you, it's just...I don't like talking about it, really." Embry started, his fingers wrapping around hers. "Follow me, I promise to tell you everything you deserve to know about me."

Embry guided Gracie through the forest heading away from the Forks area and closer to where Emily's house supposedly was. He stopped at a small clearing in the forest which was pitch black other than the light of the moon and a few fireflies buzzing passed.

"My mother, she's not Quileute. She's from the Makah Reservation. She moved down here whilst she was pregnant with me. No one knows why she moved down here and she won't tell me anything either. The only thing I know about my dad is that he was someone she had not known well and that she lost track of him before I was born." Embry began to explain.

Gracie sat on the ground of the forest, facing the log in which Embry had rested against.

She turned so she could see his face as he spoke. "She think's I'm stuck in some kind of rebellious stage. I feel bad, always, you know? Every night she know's I go missing when she checks my bed and every morning she tells me off. Every single day."

"Why don't they let you tell her?" Gracie asked, her hand resting on his chest. She wanted to cry for him, she truly had no idea what he went through.

Embry smiled a little, his hand resting on top of hers whilst the other pulled her waist closer to him. "The secret's too precious, Gracie. I mean, how would you go about telling someone you're dating a werewolf, or you're best friend has a vamp baby inside of her."

Gracie chuckled lightly, moving herself onto his lap. "I'm so sorry, Embry. I've just become the biggest burden to you with the whole situation."

Embry's hands cupped her cheeks, "No way! Quil and I wish Sam would just lay off but Paul keeps him on track. Don't ever feel like you're a burden to me. You're one hell of a blessing in my life and if anyone is sorry, it's me, for treating you the way I did when you came to explain everything."

Gracie rested her forehead on his, "Once Bella gives birth, I'll be back. Just think of it like when Jake needed you, because Bella needs me."

Embry didn't say anything, purely because his mind replayed her words of 'once Bella gives birth' - it was like he didn't believe she would. Maybe because Paul, Jared and Sam had drilled into him that she would die with this thing inside of her but to see the faith in Gracie's heart almost tore him apart. They were two people, battling a war that wasn't their's and they had no way out of it.

2017 ©misstonii

channel in that vote and comment section too ya'll xx

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