CHAPTER 3 : Part 4

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The alarm was broken. He knew that it was broken three days ago but he didn't want to ask for a new one. Or maybe he had forgotten to ask. It happened a lot lately. Him forgetting things. But also, him remembering things. For instance, right now. As he was staring at the completely still clock hands, his mind was racing, calculating and somehow deciding what time it was. It was a pretty useful skill if someone wanted to know what his opinion is, but looking back at himself and the state of his mind for the past few years, he's more scared than amazed. 


The only thing that was in his mind was him questioning himself about all the things that he couldn't understand about his own self. His own person. His body. His mind. And his.... 


Knock. Knock.

Damian untangled himself from the blanket around his waist and grab the broken alarm clock from his night stand. He jogged to the front door, not wanting to keep the person on the other side of the door waiting. Damian opened the door and stepped aside, allowing his guest to enter the house. 

"It's rare to see you sleep in, Eli?" 

-it's not my fault. The alarm is broken. I forgot to tell you when I'm late for my jogging yesterday.

Damian shoved the clock onto the hand of the woman who stands a few inches taller than him. It's not that she's really tall, the problem was Damian's the one that didn't grows properly. He's short for a seventeen years old boy. The woman chuckled quietly, hands inspecting the clock that successfully making his boy pout. She felt a finger poking her shoulder, she looked up and smile at the boy. 

"Want some breakfast?" she asked. 

-Yes, please.- 

"Well then, I'll prepare you something to eat but before you eat, go clean yourself and put on some nice cloth. We have an appointment today, i hope you didn't forget about that." 

The boy was not happy at the mentioned of appointment and she was aware about that, but it's an important appointment. They could not, not attend the appointment, again.

She ruffled his messy bed hair, enjoying the scowl on his face. "It will be okay," she whispered. 

The boy looked up to meet her eyes. 

-I doubt it will go any different from before.-

"It will be different. I promise you," she said, bringing her finger down from caressing his hair to massaging the space in between the boy's eyebrows. He should really stop frowning too much, she thought. "Do you believe in me?"

The long paused usually means no, in the boy's language but this time, he brought his hand up and signed with his index finger up to his forehead. The other hand made a somewhat modified C. 

-I believe in you, Elice."

He brought his hands down and rest them on his sides. He smiled at Elice, his caretaker. No, she's more of a mother than a caretaker. He's grateful that someone like him got to meet someone like her. A boy who had nothing. No identity. No memories. No voice.

He was mute. 

Eli was mute. 

Eli didn't know that, Eli is Damian.

Damian was mute. 

Hello guys, how are you? Wow my first author's note on Wattpad! X3 I keep on procrastinating to write the chapter where Jason actually find Damian, but i think that it is necessary to write this chapter first. There are 2 reason why this chapter exist; 1) i miss Damian and i think I've ignore him long enough in this story TTvTT haha my poor boy.. 2) it's time to unravel little by little on how and what Damian have been up to this whole time he's been 'considered' missing. There you go. The reasons~

Alright, as mentioned in the story, Damian is mute. I didn't know sign language and my only source to learn or at least referred to is google so if i make any mistake in explaining the signs that Damian do, you're welcome to correct me. My works are never beta-ed and any mistake are all on me. 
Thank you for reading the story (1K readers! I'm excited and feels really grateful right now :) and this note, and i hope you guys will continue reading this story in the future ^^

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