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P. O. V : Tim

Jason was going to kill him. He was going to fucking kill the fucking man. Magician or not, the next time Jason met him, he's a goner.

Red Robin knew that, if he let Red Hood chased after the magician, the magician will be dead. And they couldn't let that happened, they need the magician and his magic. 

"Da-Robin! Robin answer me!" Red Robin gave a few slap on the unconscious boy cheek , in hope that he will open his eyes and berate him for being panic in costume. When he got no response, he cursed under his breath before tapping the comm in his ear. "Robin's down. He got hit with some sort of spell. We're returning back to the bat cave." 

Red Robin switched off his comm after trying and failing to calm Nightwing down. 

Before Red Robin could take the small boy into his arms, a pair of muscular arms had snatched Robin from him. 

"Come on, the bat mobile will arrive shortly." Jason's voice was a cold as Gotham's winter nights. 

Red Robin gave a short nod and proceeded to type a short note on Robin's condition on his wrist computer to be sent to Alfred as a heads up. As his fingers were typing, Red Robin let his eyes wander at the sight of Red Hood carrying the limp body of Robin. He saw Red Hood's arms tighten around the small body as he stood still. 

Red Robin finished typing the note, he then pushed the send button and close the mini computer. 

He held his arms out, "come here. Give him to me."

"Huh?" Red Hood reply sounds slightly rough as he was still recovering from a cold until yesterday. Red Hood shook his head, "no. I'll hold him."

"Okay but remember, he's going to be fine."

Red Hood didn't answer and Red Robin was fine with that. He just didn't want him to have any weird idea and started to run away like before which was not going to end up well for everyone. Especially, Red Hood himself. 

Unheard by Red Robin, Red Hood whispered. "I know."

He woke up with a jolt and he barely managed to catch himself from falling face first onto the floor. 

"I see you have come back to us. I'm glad Master Timothy." 

Tim looked up and see Alfred the butler descend the stairs. Ah, he was in the bat cave, lying on one of the bed in the medical bay. 

"Why am i here, Alfred?" Damn, his head was killing him. 

"You got hit by a magic, Sir. The magician that you pursue have managed to get a hit on you. Master Bruce brought you here last night." Alfred put the tray that contains some sandwiches and a glass of orange juice on the table beside the bed. He then placed his hands on both sides of Tim's head to check if there's any bump or swelling. He didn't find any last night but it won't hurt to check for a second time.

"I must say, you gave me quite a shock, Master Timothy." Alfred voice was calm but Tim sense a bit of worries in it. 

"I'm sorry that i worry you, Alfred. I'll be careful next time."

"You better be young man. Now, please rest. I'll leave your breakfast here, if you find an appetite to eat then you're welcome to finish them." Alfred gave a warm smile and left Tim to rest. 

Tim watched Alfred left the bat cave before lying back on his back. 

His mind wandering back to the vision that he saw earlier. 

A vision? 

No, it felt more like a dream. 

But not really. 

He sighed. Ah! Damn! Damn that magician. Damn his splitting headache! Damn Ro-


"Da-Robin! Robin answer me!" 

Da? What Da.... Who-


At last. Tim is here!
Next chapter : Jason and Damian meeting each other, face to face.

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