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The broken silence of the heart

-Wole Soyinka


When Abebi woke up, they were still walking through the forest. She was slung over the shoulder of a huge man, and the warriors drank palm wine and laughed over trivial things while they walked. She squinted her eyes to adjust to the light, it was already another day.

Her head was pounding from the blow that caused her to sleep, and she frantically looked around for Tomori only to find him nowhere.

They had left him to die.

She had to escape, she thought. She had to go back and help Tomori. He could bleed to death, or get attacked. He needed her.

She squirmed and struggled in the man's hold, but it was futile, he didn't even budge.

Her eyes welled up in tears as she tried to release herself from his grip. She could not even save the one she loves.

"Stay still jare!" The man said, placing a stinging slap on her butt. She whimpered in pain. "Ah, this one has a fine butt oh." The guard joked and everyone laughed.

"I wonder if the Oba would let us have our way with her after she has bore him enough sons." Another one commented.

"I doubt. He would probably kill her or banish her after like three sons. Do you not see the trouble she put him through? After he had paid the full bride price and fulfilled all martial rites." The one carrying her said.

"These girls of nowadays sef. They are all getting proud. Once they see that men want them, they would start doing shakara." One of them said.

"Eh ehn, that warrior that we killed, he has laid with her oh. Can the Oba still do the same?"

"I don't know. What is my business? We would do our part and leave the priest to do the rest."

Abebi fumed, they were talking about her like she was an object, an object without a say in her life.

They walked into the palace square finally and one of the guards went to inform the Oba. He came out a few moments after gesturing for them to come in.

"Kabiyesi oh! Our great King! We have brought your wife home." The huge man announced. Oba Eniafe stood up with a sneer on his lips. He looked at Abebi as she struggled against the huge warrior, glaring at the him as though she expected fire to come out of her eyes any moment. He smirked at her.

"Well done great warriors. You all would be rewarded as promised. Place her in my chambers, and call for the chief priest immediately!"


Tomori opened his eyes and looked around. His memory seemed hazy for a moment until he saw Abebi's wrapper, then it all came rushing down to him. He had laid with her, with the love of her life. Oh what passion it entailed! He could never forget her beautiful face as she moaned his name, and the laughter she gave when they were done.

But where was Abebi now?

Then he felt the arrow in his back.

They were attacked! And they must have taken Abebi with them. Rage filled his veins and he looked around for his spear and charms.

They were foolish to not finish him. Stupid stupid warriors. Did they really think that one flimsy arrow could kill him, he thought as he reached to his back and snapped the arrow out, not even wincing from the pain.

He was a chosen warrior; sanctified by Ogun and trained from birth. And they insult him by shooting him with one arrow. Not even two or three, but one.

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