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When I'm with you
I'm standing with an army

-Army, Ellie Goulding


Tomori moved like a creature of the night, past the front guards and into the inner square. He had guessed that she would be kept in the Kings chambers, and he prayed to the gods that she had not yet been defiled.

He had no right to take her!

They had crossed the border, and he has taken what was his, yet the King just managed to steal her.

His grip on the spear was deadly. He would not let him steal her again.

Stealthily killing the guards in front of the Kings chambers, he listened in and heard nothing, apart from the laboured breathing of Abebi.

He snuck in and looked around. She was alone, strapped to the bed like an animal, placed like a sacrifice, and she was crying.

"Shhh, my love." He rushed to her, hugging her as much as he could with all the restraints.

"Tomori?" She breathed out. "You came."

"Of course yes I came. I told you, I would always come for you." He whispered, tugging at the ropes. In one hard tug, he ripped them off, and she sat up, rubbing her wrists in pain. He tugged at the ropes  binding her ankles and they ripped off too.

"I thought you were dead." She whispered, trying to stand up. She fell back on him on her first try, and he helped her up.

"I do not die so easily my love. It would take more than one arrow to kill me." Tomori replied with a smirk, helping her out

Then he stopped and realised something. It was too easy. There was quietness all around, and no one seemed to have noticed the dead guards.

"Is all well my Lord?" Abebi whispered in fear.

"Stay here." He replied without any explanation, then he snuck out of the hut, looking around warily.

Hearing light footsteps behind him, he smirked, waiting for whoever it was to come closer, and then he struck.

The guards came from all corners, surrounding him. "You cannot escape now rogue warrior. Did you really think the wrath of the gods would pass you by? If you refused to commit suicide like the laws of the land command, we would just have to kill you." The new are-ona-kakanfo sneered.

Tomori did not reply. Instead he looked around, studying their defence as they closed in on him. Then he dragged Abebi roughly, holding her to him as he placed a knife on her throat.

"If you come any closer, I would kill her." He said coolly, glaring at them. Abebi whimpered in fear and hopelessness.

Even Tomori wanted to sacrifice her for his life.

"Tomori, wha- what are you doing?" She whimpered.

"Silence!" He barked at her, causing her to flinch. "If you move any closer, I would slice her neck. Let's see how you would explain that to your king."

"You wouldn't dare." The cheif warrior retorted.

Tomori pressed the blade harder on her neck, almost drawing blood. She whimpered and the warriors drew back.

Moving away from them, he took her to the edge of the forest, as they were still watched by the warriors.

"I love you Abebi." He whispered. "Never forget."

Then he released her and pushed her into the forest. "Run! I'll catch up with you!" He screamed and she did so. "Run and don't look back!"

She ran as fast as she could as he fought the warriors. She ran past the trees and the bushes. She ran and didn't look back.

Until she heard his piercing scream.

He was gone.


Moment of silence😣😣😣

Please don't kill me 🙈


Do you think Tomori is dead?

And what would happen to Abebi?

Banner on the side is by dimplesofficial

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- Olori Timi

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