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And in that moment
We were together
And we were free


Abebi washed the locks of dirty brown hair with force as she scolded the little boy that squirmed in her grip. "Oguntomobi, how many times do I have to tell you, stop getting sand in your hair!" Abebi said to the four year old, rinsing his hair out.

"Mama, it's just a little sand jare. Leave me alone, the boys are wrestling in the village square today, and Akanni said I can watch and learn today. Now they would start calling me names because of you." Tomobi whined, releasing himself from his mothers grip.

"What kind of names?" She asked, giving him the local sponge to wash the rest of his body.

"Your mothers husband, and bastard son. So you have to stop petting me in front of everybody."

Her heart broke for her little boy, but she refused to show it, as he hated it when she cried.

He was a warrior, he usually said. And she was a warriors mother. Tears had no place in their eyes.

After escaping from her village four years back, and leaving Tomori to pay the price, she settled in another village after being sent away by the people in Tomori's mothers village.

She settled down in a distant village, and raised her son.

Their son.

Tomobi would be starting his warrior trainings when he turned half a decade, and all that ran through her mind was that soon, she'll be alone again.

It was not like she did not have a choice.

Marriage proposals were coming from different eligible men in the village, and even her friends at the market pestered her to marry again, but she still had a little hope.

I will come for you, he had always said.

She was still holding on to that promise.

For a mother, Abebi still looked younger and more beautiful than some of the other unwed maidens in the kingdom. She was a hard worker, going to her small piece of farmland every morning, and closing late in the evening. Yet she never complained, she kept a smile on her face and spent her days working hard and taking care of her son.

"Mama, lets go naw." Tomobi whined, pulling his mothers hand, and breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, let me get my farm tools so I can go to the farm from there." She replied, leaving the half dressed boy alone.

A little while later, they set on the narrow path to the village square, greeting different passersby on the way.

Then she saw him.

His hair was overgrown, and his beard was bushy, but for the first time in history, he gave her a full blown smile.

He looked beautiful.

"Tomori." She whispered in unbelief.

"That is my name." He grinned, walking towards her.

"I thought you were, - I heard you, -"

"That is a story for another day my love." He whispered in her hair as he pulled her into a warm embrace.

He looked down to see a little boy staring wide eyed at him. "Abebi, is this-"

"Yes Tomori, that is your son. Oguntomobi, this is your papa. I told you he would come for us." Abebi said to her son, a twinkle in her eyes as she laughed.

Unabashedly, Tomobi leaped into his father's arms, and like he expected it, Tomori caught him, throwing him in the air and catching him before pulling him into into tight hug.

"My son. My own son. You have made me a happy man Abebi, and I would soon make an honest woman out of you." He replied, helping her carry her farm tools and leading his family back home.

"I didn't think you'll ever make it, or if you'll find me." She said quietly.

"Don't you forget ife, that I will always come for you."


The End.


😣😣😣that makes the ending of Bride Price. Another of my babies is finished!

I'm thinking of doing a sequel, although I hardly do them, but this idea won't stop coming to me. Something about their son, and adding a little bit of colonisation to it. So you guys should watch out!

How was my ending?

I had plans to let Abebi end up alone as a lonely out cast but I had a feeling you guys would not be very delighted about that.

This epilogue is dedicated to chinyereobi for forcing me to finally update. It was either that or face her wrath.

So what do you guys think happened to Tomori? I might post a bonus chapter about it once I actually think it up so you guys should give me ideas.

How is my ending? Okay?

Thank you so much guys for reading and sticking to the end! May we all get our Tomori's in life!

Last question, what was your favourite part of the book? 😌😌😏😏

Thank you so much!

Advice, suggestions, criticism, they are welcome. Let me know what I'm doing wrong or right.

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Keep on being amazing my loyal subjects 👸

- Olori Timi

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