Blood on the Floor

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It was early in the morning, when you walked into the bathroom in your pyjamas.  Then, you stopped dead. The floor was smeared with crimson blood. There were footprints of blood walking further into the bathroom. Who's blood was this!? Feeling slightly sick, you followed them. 

"Good morning," said a calm voice. 

Lying in your empty bathtub, was a man, dressed in fancy shoes, jeans and t-shirt, he was biting a pencil in his mouth. With it, he had written all over the walls, some words were in another langauge, but the words that were repeated were: I that am lost, oh who will find me? Deep down below the old beech tree. Help succour me now the east winds blow. Sixteen by six, brother,and under we go." then further along written in blood was. "A little murder is all it takes, when our mind forsakes, and insane we become." 

"Who's blood is that!?" You asked, slightly shocked. "And who are you!?" 

He glanced up at you, and got out of the bath. "A little girl's, how she sang before she died. Now dear, I need to hide, until the police move on. Mind if I stay?" 

"No! You can get OUT of my house, or else I will call the police!" 

He smiled, a deadly smile. "Darling, I'm King here, you won't do anything I don't want you to." He was much taller than you, and looked down. "Kneel!"


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