Tipsy Psychopath

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Sherrinford Holmes did not often get drunk. He considered it a waste of time, and the unpleasant cause of bad headaches. Keeping your mind sharp, so that you are capable of a smooth killing and escape, was a far better way to spend your time. 

However, perhaps on one occasion he did drink, just a little too much.  

Just a little...

He was wondering down the hallway, after leaving an event which one of his few friends had arranged, and dragged him along, when he nearly collided with you. "Oh, whoops..." he said, and staggered a little, barely seeing you/recognizing you

He took a swing of beer, and walked on. 

"Hey, you alright, mate?" You called with a slight raised eyebrow. 

He looked back. "Yes....what?" Sherrinford asked, blinking at you as he tried to deduce facts from your attire, and way of speaking. He soon found that all that he could discover, was that his brain was hurting, and you were too blurry to make out. 


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