Sherrinford's Personality Type: Logistician.

70 11 13

The Logistician Personality

File and Results:

57% Introverted

58% Observant

82% Thinking

56% Judging

72% Assertive

72% Assertive

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"...Logistician personalities are no-nonsense, and when they've made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action..."

"...When Logisticians say they are going to get something done, they do it, meeting their obligations no matter the personal cost, and they are baffled by people who don't hold their own word in the same respect..."

"...To Logisticians, honesty is far more important than emotional considerations, and their blunt approach leaves others with the false impression that Logisticians are cold, or even robotic. People with this type may struggle to express emotion or affection outwardly, but the suggestion that they don't feel, or worse have no personality at all, is deeply hurtful..."

"...For it is better to be alone, than in bad company..."

"... Logisticians need to remember to take care of themselves - their stubborn dedication to stability and efficiency can compromise those goals in the long term as others lean ever-harder on them, creating an emotional strain that can go unexpressed for years, only finally coming out after it's too late to fix..."

Pros of the Logistician:

Strong-willed and Dutiful

Very Responsible

Calm and Practical

Create and Enforce Order


Cons of the Logistician:



Always by the Book


Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves

Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves

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