Devil's Weakness

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Azazel's apartment

'Am a nation, am a million faces

Formed together, made of elevation'

The Resistance song by Skillet played throughout, Azazel's room as he laid on a black hammock that was straight in front of his bed as Ruth was sleeping on his bed. Azazel was enjoying the music as he sketched out things that appeared in his thoughts. As he was too focused on his drawing, Azazel didn't notice that Ruth had called out to him warning him of a visitor until someone rudely snatched his sketchbook from his hand.

"What the-. Luci, I thought I told you to knock first." Azazel says upset at his player brother as he paused the music with a remote that was next to him. "You know that I don't like you snatching my thing from my hands."

Getting up from the hammock, Azazel takes back his sketchbook and places down on a self. Turning back to his brother, Azazel crosses his arms at Lucifer. "What do you want?"


"I hate you so much, Luci," Azazel says rubbing his forehead. "There are so many other things I can do."

"Come on, Azazel. Enjoy yourself." Lucifer coaxes him but with no success.

"No." Azazel looks at him. "No, I'll not, brother. You forced me over here to a stupid convention for rich and inexperienced men to hook up with women. I've got a better shot hanging around you than this shit."

"Why thank you, Azazel," Lucifer says with his usual smile.

"Don't. Don't push it, Luci." Azazel warns as they met up with Chloe outside the Player convention before heading inside. "I'm surprised there are models here... But still wondering how sad these guys really are."

"Oh, hello," Lucifer says looking at the women before getting a little name tag from one of the ladies. Before they continued on, the blonde model wrote down her number for Lucifer.

"Still surprising how easily women can fall for you," Azazel says before a bearded man stopped them. "Did you just number close the nametag girl?"Handing the man the lady's number, the three headed off further into the convention.

"Wow, you've never been rejected by a woman, have you?" Chloe questions Lucifer.

"No." He replies before hearing someone complaining out loudly as a security guard keeps him away.

"Wonder, what's got his underwear in a twist," Azazel says before Chloe and Lucifer walks over to him. "And I see we're playing a follow the human."

After their little conversation with the guy, who turned out to be the brother of the missing girl. Lucifer and Chloe headed over to the gathering to hear Craver's 'advice' for picking up women, Azazel headed off somewhere else in the meantime.


As Maze was closing Lux for a few hours, Ruth was sitting near the bar chewing on a bone when Amenadiel decided stopped by. Ruth growled loudly, alerting Maze of Amenadiel's presence making her throw her demon forged knife at him but for Amenadiel to slow down time and move out of the blade's path. The knife was soon embedded into the wall as time returned to its normal speed.

"Seems like Azazel's mutt isn't with him as usual," Amenadiel says taking notice of Ruth as he stood up from the floor, growling at Amenadiel.

"Easy, Ruth." Maze says walking over to him and pushing a hand towards his face telling him to back off. Ruth growled at Amenadiel once more before grabbing his bone and heading over to one of the many couches in the club. "I won't help you, Amenadiel."

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