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I am so sorry. So so terrible sorry for this very late update.

I was having such a major writing block for this story.
And it probably be like this for a while but thank you guys for enjoy this story of mine.


"Hey, Cas, you know what's stupid?" Azazel asked as laying down on a black futon couch. The two angels were hanging around inside a remodeled warehouse, that was mostly used as a home/party house for the Fallen.

"What?" The Asian angel wondered as he was scrolling through his phone on a nearby bean bag chair.

"How Amenadiel thinks he can get Luci back to hell with a dirty cop," Azazel says as he tosses a tennis ball in the air. Which is then caught by Ruth who had jumped on him.

"Ahh?! Ruth, come on?" Groaning in pain, Azazel looks to his canine companion, who was now laying on top of him, happily chewing the tennis ball in his mouth.

"I surprised he even got past all the Fallen's guards that are in Hell," Cas states standing from the bean bag chair. "Then again most keep their mouths shut whenever one of them goes down there for whatever reason."

"Everyone avoids the big guys from up top," Azazel says dully. "We can't do much about the Sinner. One of Father's Rules: No killing mortals."

"It's been three weeks, brother. We haven't the time to watch over a Hell escapee," Cass reminds him. "What has Lucifer been doing?"

"Nothing. He's been to worried about his little experience with mortality to even face facts about the possibilities that a Hell Escapee Cop could cause," Azazel states with a bit of anger before his phone begins to ring.

"Marsh... Wait a what? Yea, I'll be right over." Ending the call, he turns to his brother. "This has to be the first time I am being called in for some Satanist shit. Come on, Cass."

Grabbing his jacket and keys, Azazel heads out to his car with his brother and Ruth following behind him.


"Wow, that's a bit of overkill," Cass says as Azazel looks over the dead bloody females body. Ignoring his younger brother's comment, Azazel easily spots implant in her arms.

"I hate cults," He hissed before hearing his elder brother and Chloe enter the theater. "You took your time."

"Hello, Az. Didn't expect you to be here before me," Lucifer says casually.

"Well i wasn't trying to 'discover myself' for the past few weeks," Azazel states and stand up from his kneeling position. "Also there's odd implants in her arm, I'll get it out of her when the body is transferred out of here."

Packing up his camera, Azazel merely ignored the chatter between Chloe and his brother. It wasn't until a rather distressed man came in and ranting about how Lucifer was to blame.

"Bloody hell. Not this asshole." He muttered after realizing it was the preaching man from a few months ago that Lucifer terrorized with his face. "Sir. This is a crime scene. You've got to leave."

"You! You're one of his spawns of evil!" The man screeched.

"That's rather insulting. I am certainly not one of his bloody minions and you are rather a very distressed man that is need of some help." Azazel says before signaling for another officer to deal with the man. "Please escorted this troubled man out."

Though the man kept ranting as he was pulled out of the theater. Azazel shook his head before seeing Cass smirking at him. "Shut up." He hissed quietly at him before standing up.

"I'm heading out. Call me when the body is transferred to the morgue," He says to another officer and leaves the theater to his car. Shutting his car door after him, Castile appeared in the passenger's seat.

"So what are thinking, brother?" Cass asked the fallen angel.

"It's not by any means a modern satanist cult. And neither is it a group involved; more of a soloist." He replies before turning back to his brother. "Aren't you connected to heaven, cas? I'm pretty sure Michael or Azrael know something about this."

"One. Do you think Michael would answer me. Two. Azrael never has the time to be with me."

"What a terrible family we have," Azazel muttered and began to drive off.


"Well this is just another insult to Luci." Azazel laughed at the Latin characters that came from the young woman body.

"Filii hircus? Still wondering how Lucifer got affiliated with goats," Castiel said looking over his big brother's shoulder.

"Don't know, don't care. And it will forever keep a smile on my face for as long as Lucifer remains annoyed at it." Azazel says and leaves his lab with the implant to give it to Chloe.

Castiel stayed behind with his brother's disguised hellhound in the lab. Crouching down to the hound, the Angel turns his eyes towards him.

"Do you know why?" But only getting a whine from the demon dog. "Thought so."

Another call had came about the dead girl's boyfriend. Arriving at the warehouse where his car found, the fallen Angel comes face to face with a Satanic death.

"You've got to be bloody mad man to do something like this." Azazel states seeing the state of the boyfriend's body. He begins to detach the poor human from the rack and get him into a body bag when he overhears his brother's and Dan's conversation.

Soon enough he watched his brother leave the warehouse with a sour and angered look on his face.

"You're an absolute idiot, Dan," Azazel calls out. "If you think my brother has anything to do with this, you are sorely mistaken."

"Why do you say that? Because he's your brother?"

"No at all. Lucifer's a punisher of sinners, not the executioner. So this the handy work of another," Azazel merely states to the man. "I'll be going now. Seeing as you and Decker have to search for clues around here."


"Got to love Los Angeles public drama," Castiel sarcastically says as a report of a little fight between Lucifer and a street preacher comes on the news.

"One day he's gonna bite too much than he can chew," Azazel said as he laid on the couch  in their remodeled warehouse. Ruth was asleep on another couch nearby.

"How do think Lucifer's gonna reacted when he find the true culprit?"

"Ballistic. He'll go ballistic,"Azazel answered. "Now. Shh. Nap time."

Lucifer's Brotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें