Wing Man

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In the search for Lucifer's severed wings, Azazel was deep into research on the web and with his fellow fallen brothers and sisters of the Grigori. As for Maze and Lucifer, they were getting information from guests of Lux.

However, neither of them came with any leads to where the wings could be.

"Are you sure Ruth can't find it's scent?" Lucifer asked impatiently.

"No. If he did he'll just be back with you." Azazel replies from the couch. His black laptop with graffiti stickers was on his lap and his feet propped up on the coffee table. Underneath his elevated legs was Ruth, who was asleep. "Plus I've got any available Grigori member in search of info on anything angelic."

"And how many is that?" Lucifer asked.

"Around 45. Don't forget most have jobs to send the damned to Hell from around the earthly plane." Azazel reminds him. "Luci, we've been at this for a week and still have nothing to show for except for beaten blue humans."

"We need to seek help from a professional," Lucifer says before walking towards the elevator. "You coming?"

"... Fine. Hold on." Azazel says moving his laptop the side and getting off the couch avoiding waking up Ruth. Waking up a hellhound was never a good idea whether you were a human, demon or angel.

Azazel quickly followed after Lucifer into the elevator to wherever they were going. "But first, who's car are we using: mine or yours?" Azazel asked.

"How do you want to settle it? The convertible is very nice in LA weather?" Lucifer says, "Plus we've been using yours a bit too much."

"Fine," Azazel says before his phone rang. "Huh... Odd convenience." Looking at the caller ID before answering it.

"Who is it? Az?!" Lucifer says getting his younger brother's attention before getting a finger held up. ☝️(Not the other one)

"Yeah, Decker," Azazel says after answering.

"The Detective? Why's she calling?" Lucifer pesters at Azazel.

"You mean the dick bag in a coma? Well, he's already going to Hell so... Alright, I'll look through the evidence locker on that case but I don- Lucifer!?" Azazel says before having his phone taken by Lucifer.

"Hello, Detective, we're coming by cuz I want to ask you about something," Lucifer says then hung up as they arrived at the main floor. "Here catch."

Lucifer tossed Azazel back his phone as he headed towards his car. Azazel gave him a glare after catching his phone and running after him. The two had soon arrived at the Detective's home, to find her sitting on the floor looking at pictures from the crime scene Chloe was working on.

"Is this really what you do in your spare time?" Lucifer asked walking up on her since she left the door wide open. Azazel came right behind and slowly shut the door closed. "How fascinatingly morose. Do you ever think about taking up knitting?"

"What are you doing here, Lucifer?" Chloe asked standing up and turning towards him. "I just need Azazel's help on my situation."

"I'm here because I could really use your expertise," Lucifer tells her as Azazel was already looking through the evidence while they talked. Before Azazel knew it, Lucifer had up and left leaving him with a frustrated Chloe.

"Oh, dad, who organized all this stuff? It's terribly organized." Azazel says, looking through the contents of the boxes.

"Why does your brother always do whatever he wants?" Chloe asked.

"Chloe, I thought you would have understood that Lucifer's the dickish rebel of the family and I'm the one with little care for his ignorance," Azazel tells her. "So what exactly do you need help with this?"

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