Part Two

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   "YOU'RE HOME!" Mabel yelled, nearly knocking over her brother with a hug. Tears were streaming down her face. "Where were you? I was worried sick- and I think we've been-" She hiccuped. "robbed. I think we've been robbed! I came home, and TV and lights were all on, and-" It was all gibberish from then on. Leo took his sister by the shoulders and steadied her.
"A. Yes, I'm home. B. I was doing a science project for school with my friend Calvin. C. Are you sure we've been robbed? Mom could've come here on her lunch break or something and forgot to turn everything off. You worry too much, Mabel." Mabel sniffled and wiped her nose on the back of her pastel pink sleeve.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. She could've-" Hiccup. "been here." Leo was no stranger to his sister's episodes, as worrying and panicking was her specialty. Worrying excessively was 'pulling a Mabel' among family and friends. "So.. how's your science project going?" The fourteen year old finally asked, sitting on the couch and motioning for Leo to join her. Her brother shrugged.
"We're about half way through. I'm going over there next week to work on it too." A twinkle formed in Leo's light brown eyes. "My partner's real nice." A small smirk tugged at his lips, memories of fruit weapons dancing in his head. Mabel nodded.
"That's good." She said quietly, and just sat there, drumming her fingers on her knee. Leo nodded as well. Neither of them spoke for a while, and the older of the two was tempted to turn on the TV. "I have homework, to catch up on, you know." Mabel said finally, awkwardly getting up from the couch and walking to her room. Boy, did Leo know. No matter what he did, the homework seemed to multiply. The only time he had fun doing school related work recently was with Calvin. Since Mabel was working on her homework, it'd be a great time to work on his, Leo figured.
   "Hey. Are you coming over after school again today?" Calvin asked quietly once Leo sat next to him in science class a few days after Leo had last visited the Lionheart home. Leo nodded.
"Yeah. We're like half way done, right?" Replied the redhead, scratching his head. The blonde nodded. "By the way, who's doing the actual presentation?" Calvin's face turned red just thinking about public speaking. "You're really funny. I think it'd be good to try something new." Leo tried convincing him, but Calvin still looked uneasy. Leo shrugged, giving up. "I can do it then, it's fine." He said, and Calvin mouthed 'thank you'. The last thing he wanted to do was embarrass himself in front of a room full of people who didn't know him that well. Especially a certain someone. Calvin glanced over at his classmate Clara, who was curling her long, black eyelashes- in class. He sighed, then turned and faced the class again. Once the first class began, the school day slowly got worse and worse. No one wanted to sit with him at lunch. Normally a fellow quiet kid would, but apparently they had all broken out of their shells and found some real friends. He glanced at Leo, his only 'friend', but the redhead was laughing, and talking to a blonde freshman that Calvin didn't recognize. He sat still, feeling sorry for himself, when someone came to sit over at his table unexpectedly. It was a girl that was even shorter than Calvin's sister was, and had bright green eyes and long, straight black hair. She was wearing winged eyeliner, and ruby red lipstick. Calvin didn't know what to say, but that didn't matter, because the girl talked so much he couldn't get a word out.
"Hi. You're Calvin, right?" Calvin nodded. "I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzy. I noticed you were sitting alone. You're kind of shy, aren't you? Do you like talking to people? I do. Anyway, I'm in your science class. I sit right next to Clara." 'I can do my makeup and class and not get in trouble' Clara. "You know Clara, right? We're good friends. I think you'd like her too. I have a lot of friends, actually. I could introduce you to some of my shyer friends. It'd be awkward at first, but then-" Calvin completely tuned her out after that. The girl was like a goddamn podcast host, as she would jump from subject to subject and talk way too quickly for anyone to actually listen to what she was saying. The lunch period ended ten or so minutes after that. Dying to escape Miss Chatterbox, Calvin quickly dashed to his locker, got all his supplies for his next two classes, and stood outside the door for French class. He didn't have any friends in this one, although the French teacher was his favorite. She made it fun by reading famous movie quotes, but in French, and the only time they had to speak French was in presentations or random days when it was just required. The best part, however, was the lack of homework. Calvin had gotten two homework assignments from her this year, and considering school was ending in a month or two, that was fairly impressive. He walked in and sat at his usual desk- the one in the corner of the room, on the first row. He could see everything from here, yet no one paid any attention to him. It was perfect. As he 'listened' to the lesson on verbs, he spaced out. By the time he came to, there was a worksheet on his desk and ten minutes left of class.
"Bien, merde." He mumbled under his breath, and grabbed a pencil from his bag. He quickly scribbled his named at the top and started answering questions. He flipped to the back- of course there was a back. He quickly filled those out too. He looked at the clock- two minutes left- and he rushed to hand it to the teacher. He nearly tripped over someone's loose backpack strap on the floor at the speed he was going. Everyone looked up at him, as Calvin imitating Usain Bolt wasn't something you saw everyday. He didn't notice until he walked back to his seat after turning his work in. It felt like a thousand suns was on his face within seconds, the embarrassment coursing through him like blood in his body. He put his head on his desk and waited for this hellish day to be over. Finally, the bell rang and he'd be off to his next class- world history. How lovely, Calvin thought, as he gathered his things and walked out the door, at a slower speed than usual. He didn't want this day to get any worse.

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