His Confidante {Adelaide}

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One Month Later


I stare up at him in shock as he stands stiffly outside my door. Of all the people to grace my doorstep this morning, I did not expect Sherlock Holmes, "Wh-What brings you here, Sherlock?"

"Good Morning, Adelaide. You neglected to inform me that you had taken the day off." He says flatly, with a lowered voice.


"I did not find you in your office when I came to see you at the Museum. I knew you had either overslept, which is highly unlikely, or that you were taking the day off from work. I decided to come here to ascertain which, and to acquaint myself with your flat. Given your state of casual dress and your general appearance, I deduce that you took the day off." My cheeks flush red as I remember that I'm wearing exceptionally plain yet comfortable attire, and that I'm not having the best hair day.

"E-Erm, I didn't think you'd need to come see me today. I thought you told me that you'd be gone for the week."

He rolls his eyes and exhales a puff, "I was able to solve the case in three days. Dreadfully simple and boring."

"I see," I fade off and then recollect myself. I clear my throat slightly, "Well, then, is there something you need me for?"

His eyes flash with a glint of strange emotion in less than an instant and he seems to freeze upright- becoming no more than a sculpture on my doormat. When he doesn't reply, my mental alarms start blaring. He does need something but doesn't want to admit it, "Sherlock?"

He slightly opens his mouth and then zips it back closed before finally answering, "You wouldn't mind if I came inside would you, Adelaide?"

"Of course not. Come in." I reply and step to the side. I herd the cats behind the door and open it for Sherlock who marches in. Nancy sees him and bolts for the bedroom- as she doesn't like being around new people. Hercule follows the detective at his heels, sniffing and slicking around Sherlock's ankles and legs. I shut the door and follow him into the living room.

The consulting detective turns, weaving his head to get a full scope of the flat. I walk towards the kitchen, "Tea would be excellent."

"Of course." I hurriedly set about making a cuppa for him. Sherlock continues to look around.

"This is one of your cats, yes?" He inquires.

"Yeah, his name is Hercule Poirot. The other is Nancy Drew." I reply.

"Aren't those both fictional detectives?"

I blush, "Yes. I grew up reading Agatha Christie and Carolyn Keene."

"Interesting," I quickly finish up his cuppa and bring it to him. By now he's taken a seat in the small armchair beside the futon, legs crossed. He accepts the tea and I stand there awkwardly for a moment before sitting down on the futon, furthest away from him, "Thank you."

"No problem."

He takes his tea in silence and I try not to die of self-imposed awkwardness and shyness. Sure, we're not strangers to each other, but I can't get over the fact that he's an actual genius and an attractive one at that. I don't even think he truly realizes his intimidating effects on people. Especially when he's looking so contemplative.

When he's done I take his cup back to the kitchen and rinse it. When I come back he lifts his eyes towards me, "Adelaide."


"Now that we've had tea I must... I do have an actual reason for tracking you down this morning." Sherlock states and gestures for me to join him. I sit down on the side closest to him and try not to fidget.

"Do you need me for something, then?"

He shakes his head, "Not a case, per se... But I needed, well, need, to..." He falters. He's having difficulty explaining what he needs to do. So what could it be?

"... Talk with me?" I go out on a ledge. He inhales.

"In a way."

"Alright... then what do you need to talk about?"

Sherlock shifts and his eyes change again. He doesn't say anything for a minute and then lowers his voice, "I need you to be my confidante." I flush red again.

"Why me?!"

He purses and then rolls his lips, "Because you are an outsider. I cannot tell this to the others. I have come to trust you, which is why I chose you." I nod and try to calm my heart rate. He's going to confide in me about something!

"Alright. I promise not to breathe a word of this to anyone." I promise to him and his eyes lighten the tiniest bit.


Another minute passes, "So, um, what do you need to tell me?"

"Ah, yes, that. Well, Adelaide, I simply need your undivided attention."

"You've got it."

Sherlock exhales and shifts around, "Before we met in person, you deduced that I was feeling alone because of John's life progress. And given his daughter's developments, I can no longer deny that I am... feeling lonely."

My heart aches a bit for him, "I empathize, Sherlock. I understand loneliness and feeling alone when life seems to be going amazingly well for friends and family and it feels like they'releaving you behind..."

"Yes, I am aware. Thus why I came all the way here. I deduced that you would understand without jumping at the opportunity to assuage the situation and restore my feelings."

I nod slowly, "I'm sorry you haven't been able to do cases with Doctor Watson as much as you used to."

"No need. It's not your fault. Now, Adelaide, I trust you won't tell anyone," I nod faster and he almost, almost smiles, "Superb."



"I... well..," I fade off from shyness, "Sherlock, I want to help you if you'd let me. I know you frequently require distractions."

Sherlock looks into my eyes, "I admit you are a unique distraction for me and an intriguing study," I blush again, "But do remember. I am a sociopath."

"O-Of course!"

"Don't go out of your way trying to help me. You won't get anywhere. I probably won'taccept it anyway."

"... Very well, Sherlock." He smirks lightly, but I notice more how he looks slightly less stressed and tense than when he first arrived. If I can get him calmed down like this, there might be hope for me to be a good confidante foe Sherlock.

Thank you for reading!!! Love Ya!!

Sherlock: His Enigma Called AOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora