Jacob Powell

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One Week Later

"Wait up, Sherlock!" John called out, hurrying to catch up to Sherlock who was already bounding up the museum steps, "What's the rush this time?"

The blonde doctor straightened his suit and tie as he hopped up the last few steps to join the brunette detective, "We must locate Adelaide and Mister Powell, then we need to determine who our poacher actually is."

They presented their e-tickets and were seamlessly admitted into the event. Sherlock pulled up the guestlist and staff rosters on his phone as they made their way to the Hintze Hall, where the main event would be held. John picked up a programme to check the schedule, "So there's to be presentations in each exhibit gallery?"

"Yes, following a brief symposium here. Adelaide is participating with her own work in the symposium, which might help attract the poacher."


The two were taking stock of the hall when Sherlock saw a familiar head of gold hair descending one of the elegant marble staircases. He turned his head to confirm that it was in fact Adelaide- and found himself staring. She had dressed up rather nicely in a tailored, floor length navy blue dress and sleek black pumps, and her hair styled in loose curls with a silver barrette. He might have watched her longer if he hadn't suddenly remembered that she was being escorted down the stairs by Jacob Powell- a man about John's height with a tan complexion, slicked back black hair and dark eyes.

Adelaide saw John and Sherlock and smiled lightly, motioning to Jacob that she'd seen them. Their descent hastened and in less than a minute the two joined the crime-solving duo, "Hello, Sherlock, Doctor Watson." She greeted.

"Good evening, Adelaide. This is Jacob Powell, I presume?" Sherlock replied, focusing most of his gaze on the man currently with Adelaide's arm looped through his own. Jacob nodded with an easy smile and extended his hand.

"Yes, that's me. Pleased to meet you Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson." Jacob greeted. Sherlock shook hands and then allowed John to do the same.

"Sorry we're a little off schedule. We wanted to look around a bit before the symposium." Adelaide apologized.

"That's fine, we just got here anyway." John brushed off. Sherlock made it look like he was watching the arriving guests as he critiqued the way Jacob was escorting Adelaide. Deductions flew into his mind and he might have gladly made them known, but he decided to save them for a more opportune moment. She probably won't enjoy knowing he dislikes cats or that be blows his money on scratch cards.

"We should find our seats. There's a table over there where you'll have a good view of everyone coming in," Adelaide called Sherlock's attention back to the present and he looked at her, "Yes, Sherlock?"

"Where will your project display be set up?"

She turned a bit and gestured discreetly to the third row of long tables to one side of the hall, "Over there at the end. I need to get it put up so I guess I'll let you three pick a table..?"

"Need any help with the display, Addie?" Jacob asked. She smiled and shook her head. Sherlock inwardly cringed at the nickname. Too casual.

"No, I've got it. I'll be back in a few minutes." She released herself from Jacob's arm and hurried off, pumps clacking against the marble floor. Sherlock pursed his lips and pivoted on his heel.

"We need to find the table with the best overall vantage point," Sherlock stated and spied the perfect one, "Over there. Come along."

"Alright, we're coming." John replied. Sherlock sat down restlessly in one of the chairs, joined by John on his right. Jacob left a seat between himself and Sherlock for Adelaide, and took out his phone for a minute.

"Important text, Jacob?"

"Just the Security Head. I'm supposed to have the night off but he's saying that he might call me in anyway." Jacob bemoaned. Sherlock only grunted in response, uninterested in him since he had established he wasn't the poacher. His eyes surveilled the hall and located Adelaide at the exhibit tables. John followed his gaze and smiled the tiniest bit, but said nothing. He texted Missus Hudson and Mary though to tell them about Sherlock's interesting behaviour.

Thank you for reading!!

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