Finley {Adelaide}

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A Week Later

Is your new boyfriend free today? Finally caught a break from classes and work. -Finn

I look at the text and sigh, knowing that this has been coming. Finley is very protective of me when it comes to boyfriends. If he thinks I've been mistreated or that the guy is incapable of treating me correctly, he won't let me date them. This is due to many things but I don't mind it as much as I used to..

"Your brother texted?" Sherlock asks from the armchair. I look up at him and nod.

"Yes. He wants to talk with you again now that he's got an opening in his schedule."

Sherlock inhales and straightens up, "It is doubtful that the Yard will come up with any interesting cases for the rest of the day. And at our first meeting, I believe that Finley did not get the most desirable impression of me."

"Then I'll tell him to come over?"

"Yes." I nod and inform Finley, telling him to go ahead and come over to my place. Sherlock came today to get some peace and quiet from the Yard since Donovan figured it out and hasn't spared the opportunity to spread the word about the "freak and his new girlfriend". Lestrade has been trying desperately to shut her up about it but so far, no luck.

Sherlock's visits have become more common over the past week. I've only visited 221B Baker Street a few times, simply because it's a bit out of my way and I don't have the flexibility that my boyfriend has. He doesn't mind- in fact I think he likes being able to come here since no one really can disturb us. Mycroft knows my address but other than that, it's a safe haven for Sherlock and I'm more than happy to let him come and relax here with me.

I've also been able to coax him into eating more often. Not a lot, and certainly not enough, but there is progress.

While I text Finley, Sherlock stands up and straightens his blazer and shirt, using the mirror in my mini-foyer, "Are you nervous, Sherlock?"

"No, why should I be nervous?"

"Because I'm going to have to step out to let you two talk."

"You are?"

"Yes, Sherlock. Not for too long but he'll want to talk to you alone."

"Of course."


"I'm not nervous, Adelaide. This interview will be a success."

That's pretty confident.

Finley arrives and I bring him in. He and Sherlock shake hands again and then I make some tea while they stand in the living room and talk. When I bring them their cuppas they finally sit down. I sit next to Sherlock on the futon and he grasps for my hand. Body Language. Of course. Not that I mind.

Sherlock doesn't require any information from Finley, so it's a very one sided interview. But it doesn't seem to faze him, which is promising. The more that Sherlock tells my brother, the more Finley appears to be impressed or reassured. I insert myself a few times to clarify something or other that Sherlock said for Finley. But so far, things are going smoothly and I'm pretty sure Finley will give his approval.

After an hour I get the signal for me to step out. I press a kiss to Sherlock's temple and give him a reassuring look before leaving. I head down to the bookstore to chill with Peter. He sees me and chuckles, "One on one, now?"

"Yep. Busy day, Pete?"

"Yeah. I could use your help shelving the new shipment?"

"Sure!" I smile and he rolls out a cart loaded with books. I take it and spend a good twenty minutes shelving them, reordering the books and cleaning up a bit. Then I return the cart and help a few customers at the counter. By the time I'm done I get the text telling me to come back up, so I sneak a chocolate and hurry upstairs. Praying the whole way that it went well and that Finley will approve of our relationship. Please.

I walk in and find the two men still sitting civilly. My eyes find Finley, "So..?"

"Yes. You both have my approval," I grin and Sherlock smiles modestly. Finley continues, "I wish you both the best, and as long as Sherlock continues treating you the way you deserve and respects you, then you have my full support."

Yes!! Now if only Mycroft would support our relationship.

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