Doctor's Visit {Adelaide}

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A Week Later

I press my hands to my cheeks to try and cool them, "Stop thinking about it, Adelaide! Stop!!"

But it's futile. Since Sherlock kissed my cheek I've been unable to fully stop thinking about it. It'll pop into my head at odd times and I'll end up blushing out of nowhere. I've been teased about it to no end by Peter and my brother... and pretty much everyone about it. I can't help the blushing- never have been able to- but it would be nice to stop turning red every time he comes to my mind.

"Got someone on your mind, Addie?" Ryan teases and I jolt, finding her standing in front of my desk, "You're all red again."

"Ryan, stop." I beg.

She smiles, "Fine, but I'll figure out who it is-"

"Of course you will," She chuckles and heads out for lunch. I groan and rest my head on my desk, "Why can't I stop thinking about it? It was probably only a friendly peck and not anything more, Adelaide..."

But it feels like it was more. Especially since I haven't seen him since that night. He's texted a few times to check on my ankle, but hasn't said anything else. I assume that he's picked up another case that's keeping him busy and that the kiss wasn't more than friendly, but it makes me feel like he's purposefully avoiding me.

Don't overthink this. He's already said he's not interested in sentiment.

But he isn't as emotionless as he tries to be is he? He just suppresses them and hides them away.

I groan, "Come on. Focus on work, Adelaide." I sit back up and log in to my PC to take care of a few things. At some point I register the office door opening but I'm too zoned in to look at whomever just walked in. Probably Ryan anyways.


"Yes?" I still don't look up, not caring to figure out who's talking to me.

"How is your ankle today?"

"It's fine," I inhale, "Is there something I can help you with?"

Wait. They asked about my ankle.

No. He asked about my ankle.

My fingers stop typing and freeze over the keys, "Um, are you busy at the moment?"

I look up and find Sherlock's friend standing a meter away from me, "Doctor Watson!?"

"Shh! Shh!" He holds up his hands, "And no need to call me Doctor Watson. Just call me John."

"Wh-What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to ask you something... about Sherlock."

"... Sherlock?"

He nods, "Er, do you have a minute?"

"Yeah. Of course," I spin my chair around to face him, "S-So, what is this about?"

"What happened when Sherlock took you home a week ago?" I blush immediately.


"Did he do anything..?"

I sigh, "He... well... He gave me a kiss on the cheek when he dropped me off. Then he left."

"Just a kiss? And then he disappeared?"

"Yeah..," He sighs and I gulp, "Has something happened?"

"Adelaide, you and Sherlock have gotten close... right?"

"Yes, I suppose so."

He hums and shifts on his feet, "How close?"

"It's not really for me to say."

"Has he ever talked to you about sentiment?"

I press my lips together, "Yes."


"Doctor Watson- er, John, Sherlock trusted me not to divulge our discussions to anyone." This earns another sigh from him.

"Okay then, Adelaide, just one other question."


"Do you like Sherlock Holmes?" A red hot blush overtakes my cheeks and I lower my head, "I'll take that as a yes?"

I nod slowly, "Yes."

"Then would you please tell Sherlock that that peck on the cheek wasn't his worst life decision? He hasn't been able to stop muttering about whatever happened that night and is trying to close hinself off again."

I consider it for a moment and then nod again, "Of course. I'll tell him not to worry about it then."

"Thank You."

"No problem."

Thank you for reading!!

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