The Calm

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The next morning Lily woke up on the couch with her bunny hoodie covering her face, pushing it back the little girl realizes she's alone. Her friends must be sleeping and grandma Star...

"...I pushed her." She whispered with a shaky voice before shaking her head and getting up, slowly she goes to her grandma's room and cracks the door enough to peek inside, the bedsheets are rising and falling but that's all.

Her grandmother must still be sleeping so she decides to go upstairs get cleaned and dressed first thing, so that's what Lily does. Going upstairs and avoiding looking at the bloodstain she quickly grabs a baby blue tanks top with matching shorts and heads to the bathroom.

Once inside of the bathroom she notices her toothbrush still on the floor covered with toothpaste, so she takes care of cleaning that first before taking a bubble bath and getting dressed. Looking into the mirror she's pleased that she got ready all by herself after all if she was really going to be living forever like David promised she needed to learn to be more independent.

Lily's less than pleased though when she tries to brush out her tangled hair by herself.

The little girl puts the brush away after a moment and instead pulls out her hair ties and proceeds to put it up in lopsided pigtails but she's happy with the end results of her first pigtails.

Heading back downstairs the small brunette tries to decide if she should check on her grandmother but thinks it'd be better to see if she can find something that she can feed to the older woman who probably won't be able to move today.

It might make her less angry with her too.

Though she hopes it's like what Paul told her and her grandma forgets why she fell down the stairs.

So once in the kitchen, she finds the leftover pizza and while she could eat that something tells her it wouldn't make her grandmother happy to have reheated pizza for breakfast. So instead she decides to try her luck with the toaster, after a few tries on getting the settings right and a few burnt pieces she had to throw away Lily made some edible ones.

That and some orange juice seemed like a good breakfast though if she knew how to make eggs that would be better, though she knew better than to start the stovetop.

So, after eating a piece of leftover cold pizza she brings her plate of toast and orange juice to her grandma's room and quietly sits it on the table beside the bed. That's when the older woman stirs for her sleep and the younger one tenses and wonders if she should flee or not.

Lily is indecisive for just long enough for Star to wake up with a groan of pain, "Lil- what happened?" She notices the little girl beside her bed the pounding in her head and the sharp stabbing pain in her leg in that order.

Star groans and tries to sit up only to cause herself more distress, "G-Grandma... I brought you some breakfast..." A little voice says sweetly but also nervously.

Star could care less about breakfast though instead, she wanted some painkillers because she was in a world of pain, finally forcing her way into a sitting position, "Lily turn on the lamp..." The girl nods and turns on the bedside table lamp where she'd set down the plate of food just a few seconds ago.

Star pulls back the sheet and sees her leg, it's in an odd position and bruised something fierce... it was broken. The older woman's head was hurting a lot, so it was hard for her to get a grasp on how it happened, but she knew she needed to go to the hospital.

"Lily I need you to call for an ambulance." The girl's eyes grew wide, "Why?" Star didn't feel up to explaining but the younger girl wasn't moving so she did.

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