About the Sequel and Thanks

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Hello everyone in case you didn't know I've always had a sequel planned for this story so stick around if you want to find out what happens after the end of Haunted by Vampires! The real reason for this author's note though isn't just to announce I plan on writing a sequel (which most of you already know) or that one is already up (sadly that's not the case) but to let you all know that somewhere along the way I thought up three different sequel ideas and that's where I want you the readers' input.

The sequel can either take place three years later where Lily is eleven which was the original idea I first thought up, so I currently have the most plans for this one but that doesn't mean I can't/won't have a good plot for the other ideas if you decide on them instead.

The second sequel idea takes place ten years later where she is eighteen if you want the sequel to eventually have some romance added to it choose this one. Now romance wasn't in the plan, to begin with, because I was like she knew them as a kid so that might be weird but then someone asked about it for the sequel and my mind did what it does best and came up with ideas.

The first was well she hasn't met Marko yet, so I could see that happening when she's older. Then another idea occurred, well she did kinda have a kid crush on David (remember the game of Life she played with Star) that and I always planned that if she grew up she'd resemble Star quite a bit so that'd be interesting to deal with the drama that could bring... anyway, that's all up in the air but if you pick this option you can weigh in on who you think she should be paired with and why.

And lastly option three I can pick up exactly were I left off from 'Haunted by Vampires' now I have the least amount of ideas for this one, but I can still do it if people don't want a time skip.

I'm fine with whichever one honestly because I have good ideas for all the scenarios.

Or you could just go crazy and say you want all three... er that wouldn't be impossible, but I'd have to find a way to mash all my ideas together and I could do it, but boy would that be long, I'd probably divide it into two stories, so this would become a trilogy or something... if I did that the second story would still be romance free for people who want that but also like the idea to give this option to others who wanna read romance and still wrap up the story cause I have the ending figured up for when she's eleven already and that is a much more solid ending than what you got for this story. Truthfully part of me likes the idea but another is like choose a smaller option please but well whatever I'm excited nonetheless to really get into thinking up the plot and writing it.

Anyway, let me know which sequel you wanna read through comments or send me a message about it (on fanfiction.net) I'll be taking votes until the end of September because I want to have the first chapter of the sequel ready to post on Halloween.

Thank you for taking your time to read this and for those of you who also decide to vote!

Now onto the last portion of this way too long author's note, I wanted to once again thank all my readers both the silent ones and those who left reviews, favorited and/or followed my story.

Finally a special thanks to all those of you who reviewed by name well by username anyhow:

jessface3005, TaraMullis, fandomgirl10234, Frankisnotokay16, Kaitlyn_1024, BatmanAndRobin123

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