The Storm

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Author's Note: I don't usually update more than once a week but think of this as a way to make up for my two-month absence, so surprise!


Dwayne was able to keep Lily distracted by teaching her how to cook pancakes; the girl was very eager to learn but also very good at getting messy. While cooking he also told her funny stories, mostly about Paul and a friend of theirs named Marko, they'd mentioned him once before and from the sound of it, he was funny like Paul.

Pancake batter was smeared on her face, but she didn't seem to care or even notice as she laughed, "So, Marko really can talk to birds? That's sooo neat, can he teach me to do that?" The ghost let out a non-answer noise, but the happy girl didn't pay it any mind as she continued, "and he got one to leave worms in Paul's hair while he slept that's gross but kinda funny!" Dwayne nodded.

"He wouldn't do that to me though right? I don't like worms..." Dwayne assured her that he would protect her from Marko's pranks when they met one day and the two continued their impromptu cooking lesson along with the storytelling session. That story of Marko's bird and worm prank was just one of the many pranks and high jinx he told her about during their conversation.

Also, Lily was happy to know she'd meet Marko too someday and the idea of having another friend made her happy as did the promise to make sure he kept worms away from her, the birds would be okay though she thought despite never having seen a real one up close at they didn't wiggle around and have no eyes... things without eyes were creepy.

Shortly after that, they ate, or rather she did and then they cleaned up both the kitchen mess and the one on her. Around that time was just after nine when David and Paul came back and to her disappointment told her she should get some rest, "But it's not even that late..."

"True but those friends of your grandma will be coming over and trust us they're no fun at all," Paul tells her truthfully.

She pouts, "That's hours away though."

"Unfortunately, it's not I have really good hearing and they said they would come over sooner than we invited them so off to bed," David tells the young girl.

"The weird voiced guy said that?" She gets a nod in response and frowns, "He really is rude, he should get grounded." Lily folds her arms and mumbles, "Or a serious time-out!"

Paul grins wide, "I couldn't agree with you more."

"However, that means good little girls need to get ready for bed now." Dwayne tells her, and she huffs, "Don't worry one day you'll be able to stay up all night long with us and we'll have a blast." David promises.

"Yeah late-night parties are great with us, you'll love it," Paul adds while pumping his fist up in the air.

Lily smiles at them before uncrossing her arms to hold out her pinkie, "Promise?"

They all thought she was being adorable, but David wouldn't give into it, so he looked to the others with a raised eyebrow knowing one of them would.

It was Dwayne who offered his pinkie finger in a promise and with that the boys make sure she's tucked into bed. David waits by the door and Dwayne tucks her in with a, "Good night, little flower." While Paul grabs a stuffed dog that he saw laying in a pilled of her things that seemed to have been dumped out to give to her to cuddle before they all take their leave. Only Paul turns invisible and goes back through her bedroom door afterward to wait and make sure she actually falls asleep.

About half an hour later she does thankfully because the vampire spirit was getting antsy, it was almost like she knew he was there with how long she watched the door before her eye lids dropped closed and her breath evened out. That couldn't be it though or she would've said something he tells himself.

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