Ch.3 Open Minded

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Damon's POV

She's a tribrid. Of course. Why didn't I think of that?! Everyone must be going crazy. Right? No. They have serious faces on. They aren't kidding. She's a tribrid. Okay, I can deal with that.

"A tribrid. Okay, sure."

"Yea. I'm guessing you hate me now and don't want to see me?" She asked sadly. No no no. That's not right.

"No! Why would you say that. You're the only person who has been able to make Stefan and I smile like we have been in a long time. So what you're a tribrid, that just makes you special! I'm sorry I freaked out I just wasn't expecting it."  I didn't want her to leave. She was my light now. "And anyway, you're supposed to be my new best friend now, remember?" She giggled. There's the happy Belle.

"So tell me Munchkin, what's this whole tribrid thing about?"

"Well," she started, "as Stefan said I'm a vampire, angel, and elemental. That means I have all the abilities of a vampire, obviously, have power over the elements, and I kind of have angel wings with some powers." She ended off shyly. The angel part made her shy apparently. Cute. 

"Great! Now that everyone knows about Bellzy, I'm going to get ready for bed. Do you want to watch a movie Belle?" She nodded in his direction as Stefan gave her a quick nod and began his walk upstairs. 

"Am I invited to this movie as well, Munchkin?" I smirked at her. 

"Of course, Damon."

"Good. Now follow me." I brought her up to my room. Apparently she wanted to know more about me, as she keep asking questions. 

"Favorite color?" She asked as we walked into my room.


"Favorite day of the week?" She continued her basic interrogation as she sat on my bed.  

"Friday." I said as I walked out of my closet with a shirt and boxers.

"Here you go Munchkin."

"Damon, these are your clothes not mine silly." She giggled at me. All I did was smile at her. She was a cute little thing.

"Yes, and you are going to wear them."

"And why would I do that."

"Munchkin, just go in the bathroom and change."

"Fine, fine, I'll be nice." She said as she walked away. Smiling in triumph, I changed myself. 

"Happy now, Salvatore?" She asked, coming back out of the bathroom.

"Why of course." 

"Well, well and what do we have here?"

"Stefannnnn, your brother is making me wear his clothes when I have my own clothes that would be perfectly fine."

"Hm, no I think he's on to something here. But, I don't think he's playing fair. You were my best friend first. Hold on." He sped away to only come back in seconds, a shirt in his hands.

"Here, go put this on." 

"You can't be serious?" She questioned him. 

"I'm dead serious Bellzy. You wear his clothes, you wear mine."

"You two are ridiculous!" She grabbed the shirt out of his hands and stormed into the bathroom.

"Happy?!" She yelled, waving her hands arounds. She did look quite funny doing that. I smirked at Stefan to see him give me the same face. 

"Very." We both said at the same time. She just let out a loud groan to which we both laughed at. 

"Let's just go watch this stupid movie." She mumbled, walking past us to go back downstairs. Meeting her downstairs, she was already sitting on the couch with her arms crossed against her chest. Laughing at her immaturity, I walked over to her, picked her up, just for me to sit down with her on my lap. 

"Now Munchkin, there is no need for you to be all grumpy."

"Yea, we are just making sure everyone knows your ours and not to touch our best friend." Stefan said sitting down. 

"Yea Munchkin."

"You know," Stefan began. "If anyone asks you're my little sister." 

"Yea, you are now the little Salvatore sister. We will just change your last name to ours." I added.

"I'm older then both of you!" She argued.

"Bellzy, were you not just pouting on the couch when we came down? You're our little sister now, so shush." Stefan joking said to her. She just glared at him.

"So what movie should we watch?"

"Insidious!" I looked at her. This innocent looking girl did not just say what I think she said right?

"Belle, you know I hate when we watch that movie. I may be a vampire, but that movie is just creepy!" Stefan says. I'm with him on that.

"Please." She gives both Stefan and I the puppy eyes and let me tell you. No one is saying no to that face. 

"Okay fine, but when I'm scared to sleep tonight don't expect me not to drag you to my room to be my teddy bear Belle." He gave her a pointed look. What children it can't be that bad right? So, we watched the movie.

I was wrong. So, so wrong. Has the shadow always been there. Hell, I think a heard a noise. Is someone in the house? I turn to look at the others. Stefan looks scared out of his mind. Belle, well that girl is always filled with surprises. Not once during the movie was she scared. She laughed at times for fucks sake! She wasn't scared one bit. 

"You are not allowed to pick movies again, Munchkin." I was the first to speak after the movie ended.

"Thank you! Finally, some sense!" Stefan yelled. 

"Okay well I'm tired. I think I'm going to sleep." She says. How she can sleep after that? I will never know. 

"Belle, I don't understand you. How are you sleeping after that?" Stefan asked. 

"Stefan, I've lived through much scarier, horrific things. A movie isn't going to faze me." She smiles sadly at him. Looking at her, I seem to forget what she has been through. She is just so light. She doesn't look like she has been tortured for centuries. 

"Boys up! I'm sleeping down here tonight. I'm way to tired to go up stairs." She says as she starts moving furniture.

"But you can move furniture?" I ask her.

"Yea. Logic." I look at Stefan, confused. He just gives me a look that says 'don't ask'. She made what looked like a giant bed out of the couches and ottoman. It actually looked comfy. 

"Belle, don't forget you're my teddy bear tonight. I'm staying down here with you." She laughed at him and turned towards me. 

"Damon, would you like to stay as well? Wouldn't want to leave you out." I smile at her. No one has meant that in a long time. So that's how we ended our night. Two vampire brothers and a tribrid sleeping on a makeshift bed, knowing their lives would be better now that their family was a little bigger.

Author's note

The originals are coming soon! can't wait to write that part. I'm sorry, but I really loved this chapter. The family aspect of it really got to me and the fact they are so protective of her is so cute. Hope you are all enjoying it! 

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