Ch. 6 Road Trip

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Rosabelle's POV

The outside world moved quickly as we drove. Elijah was driving us somewhere, claiming it may have the answers I'm looking for. I was excited, but didn't get my hopes up. Nothing could be this easy. I've learned that from my past. 

"Rosabelle? Are you okay?" Elijah's smooth voice broke my trance, bringing back to reality.

"Sorry, just spaced out. Where are we going anyway? You never told me." 

"Duke University. If there are answers, only one person would be crazy enough to ask the question."

"Isobel Flemming?" His head turned in surprise, eyes wide.

"You know of her?"

"Know of her? Yeah right! She owes me a favor actually. After I saved her from that werewolf, she so owes me! So unfortunately, if we are going to Duke to look at her research, it will be a dead end. But, I do appreciate the effort Elijah." I say softly. At least he tried to help me. That's more then what most people do for me. 

"Fine, then if I can't help you with answers, let me take you out to lunch." Elijah said with a little smile, his eyes sparkling.


"Yes, lunch. You know where humans eat food." He said a little arrogantly.

"We are not humans, Elijah." I said with a smirk.

"Lunch it is my dear Rosa!" 

We took the next exit off the main highway. Following the road down a few miles, a town blossomed. It was one of those bigger southern cities that people went to, to escape their small towns. It was actually really pretty! The flowers were all in blown and the people all walked with happy expressions. Elijah turned into a little parking lot next to a small diner. I turned to face him.

"I hope this is okay with you. An old friend of mine owns it and I promise it's actually good." I gave a little nod to his nervous smile. It was an odd smile on his face. He was always confident and strong. Nervous didn't look right on him. We stepped out of the car and into the diner. Immediately enveloped into a sweet smell, I closed my eyes, relishing in the sweet aroma. 

"Elijah! How have you been?" An older man walked towards us in a black button down and jeans. He had to have the appearance of a 40 year old, but he had no heartbeat. For 40 though, he was rocking it.

"Noah, it's good to see you old friend. I am well, thank you. What about you and Elle?" 

"Quite fine, thank you. And who is this pretty lady?" Noah motioned at me. I could feel my cheeks reddening and ducked my head a little. My head was quickly raised by two fingers. Meeting his eyes, he began to speak again.

"This beautiful little creature is Rosabelle. We were just passing by and I thought why not bring her to enjoy great food." He was smug by the end. They must have been great friends because I've never heard of Elijah acting like this. But to be honest, the way he's been acting since I've met him seems out of his ordinary routine.

"Well, Rosabelle, it's nice to meet you. Now, let's get you two seated and some apple pie to start. Yes?" I nodded my head quickly at the prospect of apple pie. It's my favorite!

Lunch was absolutely amazing! The pie was unlike anything I've had before. I knew I would be coming back for more in the future. Noah said I was always welcome, with or without Elijah. I smirked at Elijah when Noah said that. While we were laughing, Elijah was angrily glaring at his friend. We were currently walking towards the car when I was quickly thrown against the wall. A hand surrounded my neck, holding me still.

"Ah! Why isn't it little Belle. Living in the big world now are we?" That voice brought all the pain back. I could feel it like cement in my veins, immobilizing me. 

"Thought you could just leave huh? Well sorry pumpkin, but I promised your sister centuries of pain for you." He said with a wicked smile. I could easily overpower him, but that took strength. Strength I didn't have to be exact. It's true. No matter what, fear can stop even the strongest of souls. 

"You know, I went to Mystic Falls first. Thought I was wrong until someone told me different. Seems like you angered someone named Elena, pumpkin. Looks like she clipped your wings for me." It was like we were in our own little world of predator and pray, until we were brought back to reality by a voice.

"I suggest you unhand her."

"Oh and who are you? You know what it doesn't matter. Belle here belongs with me. We have a bit of unfinished work we have to get back to."

"I said unhand her." His eyes were getting dark now. 

"Oh screw off, dude. There's more fish in the sea. She isn't that great anyway. Believe me, I've tried." Veins were beginning to appear under her eyes. 

"I will not ask again. Does the name Elijah Mikaelson ring any bells in the pea shaped brain of yours?" Eyes widening in realization, fear began to radiate off him.

"Look, just let me leave with her and I won't bother you. I promise."

"That won't be happening. You have already hurt her. I don't take to kindly to that, you see." Elijah, back to his cool exterior, walked slowly towards us. Before Elijah got to us, my attacker said one thing that would stop me from living for the rest of my life.

"Belle, if not me, then someone else. Lexi was always prepared with backups. You will never be free, you freak. You will never know happi-" Before he could finish, Elijah stood behind him with his heart in his hand. The body fell quickly to the ground. My eyes found Elijah's, whose were searching mine in return. So that was it. I would never be happy, safe, or free. I was bound to a life of misery. I would have to go in hiding. I don't want Stefan or Damon getting hurt because of me. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill when I felt two strong arms go around me. 

"It's okay, Rosa. I'm here. No one is going to touch you. You're safe with me." Tears just ran down my face. No matter how much I wanted to believe it, it wasn't true. I would never be safe. He would leave and with him would go my so called safety and freedom. 

"Come Rosa. Let's get back." 

Thank you for all of your reads, comments and votes! They definitely inspire me to write better and update quicker! Next update will be real soon. Hope you like it so far.

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