Ch. 22 Lunch With The Boys

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Rosabelle's POV

With such a small town, it was inevitable that we ended up at The Mystic Grill. Doesn't anyone get tired of this food over and over again? No? Whatever. The three of us walked in and took a seat in a booth. From the outside, this looked weird to anyone who knew us. A vampire hunter, a revived warlock, and a tribrid. What a mix, right? Alaric sat on the right and Kai pushed me into the booth so he could sit on the outside.

"Start explaining," Alaric said sternly.

"Which part?"

"How about all of it," Kai added.

"Well, you guys know my sister and her ways so when I disappeared it was more her having her minions kidnap me and take me to Berlin to lock me in a basement. You don't need all the gory details, so a few weeks ago I got out. I waited before I came back because I know they would look for me here. Once it was safe, I went to Stefan. He's the one that I've been best friends with even though he didn't know about Lexi until recently. Then I met the Mikaelsons and for some odd reason, they like me. So here we are, eating lunch as they all let their anger out."

"For some odd reason, I feel like you're leaving some things out," Kai said skeptically.

"No! Never!" Putting an obviously faked innocent look on my face caused them both to laugh.

"Fine. You don't have to tell us, but we'll figure it out."

"Whatever you say, Alaric."

"So, the Mikaelsons?" Kai smirked at me.

"Yea, what about them?"

"How long has that been going on?" 

"Not long."

"Hm." Alaric hummed.


"You're telling me that Klaus doesn't care about his doppelganger anymore, Kol is stable, and all three can be in the same room as Katherine, plus they are torturing someone all for someone they just met and aren't serious about?"

"I haven't said anything!" 

"Oh, so there is something going on there?" Kai still had that playful smirk on while Alaric just looked concerned.

"Rosabelle, I don't care if they are thousand-year-old vampires. I will give them the father talk." 

"Alaric, that's really not necessary. We just got together and I don't even know if it's serious!" The two of them just looked at each other and gave the face of she's got to be joking.

"Rosie, you don't even know the half of it," Kai said looking back at me.

"Oh yeah?! What do you know Mr.IKnowEverything?"

"I know Katherine would burn an entire country down to find you. I know those brothers of yours that practically adopted you, at first sight, would do anything for you. But the thing I know the most is that those men are not letting you go even when they are six feet under. They would figure out a way out of the other side just to get back to you."


"He's right, Rosie. There's nothing they wouldn't do for you. You're it for them."

"But...How...Why... I'm so confused!" I threw my head down onto the table, completed flustered. How do they know this? How do I even know if it's all true? What do I even say?

"Rosie?" Kai said gently, wrapping his arm around me. "It's okay. We didn't mean to upset you, but it's all true and I know you like them. It's obvious. Take as much time as you need with them. They aren't going anywhere and neither are we." I picked my head up at his words and gave him a teary-eyed smile.

"Okay. Are you guys even hungry?"

"Not really."


"Could we go see Bonnie? I know she's upset and I feel bad that I had something to do with it."

"Rosie, you do realize she was going to hurt you?" Kai asked.

"Yea, but she didn't as soon as she knew I did nothing wrong. So, yes?"

"Sure. Let's go. I'm pretty sure she back at her house." Alaric said while getting up. A smile lit up on my face and I started pushing Kai out of the booth.

"Come onnnn. Let's go. You take forever." I started whining at Kai.

"I'm going. Geez, pushy."

Once out of the booth, we walked to Alaric's car and drove over to Bonnie's house. I've never been here before, but it was a cute little house. It seemed dark inside, but I could feel her presence almost. I looked toward Alaric in hopes that he could get us in or at least go get Bonnie. We walked up to the door and knocked. When no one answered, Alaric grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. Who leaves there door open these days? Not even questioning it, Alaric walked right in. Kai looked at me and followed him in, expecting me to follow too. I didn't want to. I stood outside for a few seconds before looking at the doorway and saying screw it. I walked past the threshold with no problems since I'm not a full vampire. Honestly, I feel the worst about not being invited in just because it's rude. But I'd rather help then just sit outside and wait.

I followed the sound of footsteps until I caught up with Alaric and Kai that were about to open another door. This goes against everything I believe in about privacy, but I guess it's for the betterment of the situation, so yay for exceptions. Alaric opened the door and from behind them, I could see Bonnie crying on her bed with a picture of an older lady.

"Bonnie?" Alaric said softly. Bonnie let out a surprised gasp and then more tears streamed down her face.


"Hey, hey. It's me. It's okay. You're okay." He said while walking further into her room. 

"No, I'm not." She whimpered. "I lost my magic. I lost everything. It was the only way to still be with grams." Tears feel out of her eyes like a waterfall.

"Hey, I know. I'm so sorry, but I brought someone here. She really wanted to see you." Her frantic crying stopped immediately out of surprise. Reduced to a few tears, she looked at Alaric with a questioning gaze. Knowing that was my cue, I walked in front of Kai, into the room. Bonnie looked at me in slight anger, but mostly confusion. 

"Why are you here? I tried to kill you." 

"But you didn't. You stopped. But I know you changed your mind too late. I'm here to help though." I smiled softly at her. I approached her slowly, willing her to stop me if she doesn't want me near her. She said nothing and only watched me come closer. I knelt in front of her and grabbed her hands. I closed my eyes and reopened them quickly after. Tingles ran up my fingers into Bonnie's. She looked up surprised. There were no tears left, only the dried ones on her face.

"What did you do?"

"I gave you your magic back. But I have one question." I took the picture frame, now knowing who the older lady was to her. "Do you want her back? 

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