Ch. 21 Face-off

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Katherine's POV

I've had it with my stupid doppelganger. How is it that the world revolves around her constantly?   At least the Salvatores finally realized that their lives would improve drastically if they ditched that less then stellar lookalike of mine. 

This is farther then I've ever seen her go, though. Bringing back the ghost of an abuser? That's low like worse than Klaus' past. My question is how. That's some serious magic that she's probably having the Bennett witch doing. 

"That doppelbitch did this?" Kol was the first to speak. Anger laced in his voice and a steel, cold look in his eyes poured his distaste straight at the blonde.

"Well technically... She convinced sweet, innocent Bonnie Bennett to do the spell. It took a lot out of her I'll say. Pretty sure she's still bedridden from it. At least she didn't die, right Stefan?" She sent a smug look at the younger Salvatore. I'm pretty sure I'm using all my will power to not go kill her right now. I've killed for less and I'd surely kill anyone who even thinks of harming my Rosabelle. 

"Honestly Lexi, with what I've learned of the past lately, I'm sure your new little sidekick buddies have done some equally bad things. So, you can all die in hell and I hope you all have a painful, permanent time on the other side." Ohhh, angry, protective Stefan is hot! 

"I ship you two." I heard a melodic voice whisper in my ear, so low even a vampire couldn't hear it if it wasn't said in your ear. I turned my head and became face to face with a smug looking Rosabelle.

"This is not the time," I grumbled at her. It apparently wasn't low enough because everyone turned to look at us.

"What?" Damon stupidly asked. Oh, tall, hot Salvatore, may you mistakenly walk into my room again one day.

"Rosabelle here is making comments not really appropriate for the time."

"When does she ever do anything right, huh Kat?" Lexi brought everyone's eyes back on hers.

"Well, I'm right so it doesn't really matter now does it, not so dear sister of mine."

"Oh look at you go, Rosabelle, actually got something to say. What changed? Got three originals to be your bodyguard? What did you give them? Your body? Well, they should know-" With my hand around her throat, everyone knew I was pissed.

"Kat, it's okay."

"Can I just kill her? Please, Rosie."


"Uh, you're no fun." I retracted my hand, not at all happy about letting her take another breath.

"You know Lexi, the thing is for once I'm not the one chained up in a basement. Nor am I alone. For the first time, it's you. Where are your little sidekicks now?" 

"Right here." Bonnie and Elena's voice said in sync. With a sigh, we all turned around to the doorway of the cellar. There stood Elena, Bonnie, Alaric, and Kai. Didn't we get rid of that egotistical maniac?

"Ah, right on time girls. Welcome to the party." Lexi said giggling.

"Stefan, Damon, just let Lexi go. She's your friend and you know that this is wrong." Elena tried to get the Salvatore to get on her side. Not going to happen.

"Is there anything smart that comes out of that mouth?" Laughter is heard behind me and I know immediately it's Rosabelle. The attention of the newcomers shifts quickly to her. Distaste is imminent on Elena's face, where Bonnie looks indifferent and the two guys look surprised. 

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