Chapter 2

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Taking one last look in the mirror I smile to myself feeling pleased with how I got ready in the twenty minutes I had. I grab my phone as I close my bedroom door behind me not bothering to say bye to my dad knowing he'll only get angry for interrupting his work.

"Ready?" I say, as I see Jax in the living room. He gets up from the couch not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Took you long enough." He sighs. I move my hair away from my face as I see him trailing his eyes up and down my body. "No, fuck no. Go change."

Hunter and my dad weren't the only protective ones over me. Ever since my mom died Jax has taken the role of making my life a living hell in any way possible. I knew he didn't mean harm...most of the time, but when it came to how I dressed he was always quick to say something.

"And suddenly you're my father?" I raise my eyebrow, giving him a questioning look.

"No, but I can go get him. Go change, you have five minutes." He clenches his jaw.

"No." I shake my head.

"Hunter!" He yells out. My brother comes in seconds later. Standing from behind me I already feel his glare burning holes into the back of my head.

"Very funny." He spits, moving to stand besides Jax. "Change and lets go."

I hadn't even stepped over my limit. The dress I was wearing hugged my thighs, making my body more curvier than it already was. The red made my green eyes pop out more and my boobs look twice as bigger. So maybe I was over stepping but it was the last time I could wear something like this before Hunter decides not to let me out again.

"If you ask me, I think I look pretty good." I say.

"Nobody asked you." Jax snaps. "I said go change."

Times like these was what made me question why I had feelings for him in the first place. Maybe it was how much he showed that he cared even if this was him being mean. Or maybe it was his blue green eyes that got to me, his soft lips that has been touched by so many. His hair which I have yet to run my hands through because every time I come close to he slaps my hand away.

"Make me." I fire back. I watched as he stepped closer to me. Hunter pulled him back and shook his head in disappointment.

"Whatever, let her do whatever she wants. We've already missed enough of the party lets just go." Hunter says.

I walk behind them, locking the door as I was the last one out. Just as I turned back around my face slammed into something hard.

"What the fuck?" I back away, coming face to face with Jax's chest. My head just barely reached his lips. "Forget how to walk?"

"Says the one who's face was in my chest." He smirks, licking his lips in the process. "Behave tonight, okay?"

I raise my eyebrow. "I'm not sure it's me you should be saying that to. You're the alcoholic remember?"

"Ouch," He touches his heart. "I throw up on your bed once and I'm an alcoholic?"

I press my lips together trying to hold myself back from laughing. "You still owe me new bed sheets."

"If my memory is correct I paid you back the next day with ice cream. Or did you forget that?" He asks.

"No, I remember." I look at the ground, hiding my smile. These were rare moments that happened between us that made me question what he felt for me. But how could he ever feel something for his best friend's little sister? Especially, when every other day he was hooking up with someone new. If anything he probably saw me as his little sister, the one he had to protect from everything.

"What's taking you guys, come on!" Hunter yells from the car.

I walk away from Jax, leaving him to walk behind me. The whole time as I walked to the car I felt his eyes on me, making me nervous under his stare. I had to stop. I couldn't feel this way for him, it wasn't right. But was it right for me to be keeping these feelings in? To feel so hidden all the time because he was my brother's best friend? If I told him how I felt would that even change anything?

I had Alex. I couldn't ruin what we had just because of some crush on Jax. It wasn't fair to anyone. Especially, my brother. I was sure with time I would get over him.


The party was crazy by the time we got to Marissa's. I couldn't find her anywhere which caused me to be in the kitchen with people I've never met before. Alex was away on vacation and wasn't coming back until next week.

I was leaning against the fridge as I felt someone tap my shoulder. Startled, I look to my side to see Nick, Marissa's boyfriend.

"Hey, it's nice to see you showed up." He leans in for a hug. "I didn't think you would come since Hunter rarely lets you come to these."

"Yeah, well my dad kind of forced him to." I chuckle.

"How is he doing?" He asks, taking a sip from his drink.

I shrug. "Good, I guess. Buried in his work like usual, you know how he is."

He chuckles. "And Jax?"

I roll my eyes already knowing he was just waiting to ask me about him. Ever since I met Marissa in middle school she knew how I felt about Jax and when she started dating Nick two years ago she filled him in on how "epically in love" I was with him.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere sucking faces on some poor girls face." I say.

"Some poor girl, huh? Don't act like you wouldn't wish it was you." He jokes.

I scoff. "Never in a million years."

"Come on, we need to get you drunk."

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