Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"House Arrest?" George remarked much in surprise.

"It's my sister and grandmothers brilliant idea of punishment really." William leaned back into his chair tiredly. He had been prohibited from wandering around the premise of his own home without the supervision of some authority figure. He was practically being treated like a lap dog. But the man had no ability to complain seeing how his strong minded sister and equally determined grandmother were setting schemes in motion for him to marry.

"With your expertise in women I was meaning to ask you for advice..." George murmured tentatively.

"My advice? Who's the lucky lady? It's really simple all you need to do is ch-"

But before William could finish his seduction methods, George was quick to cut him off. "I intend on proposing. Not sporting a woman in the sheets for a night or two."

"Proposing? Marriage? You must be wishing for a death sentence." William chuckled. "If I knew how to work that magic long ago, I would've done it myself."

"Helpful as always William." George sighed with a chuckle.

"Of course."

There was a garden party being held at the private estates of the Cecils, away from the bustling business of London parties. The weather was perfect for tea, temperate enough for participants to linger in the outdoors long enough.

Rose was glad to enjoy herself and even more pleasantly surprised to see that Lord Cecil was nowhere in sight. From what Lady Lennox had blabbered on about was the fact that her brother was restricted under house arrest. She couldn't help but snicker under her breath, the man deserved it for his despicable behavior.

While her aunt and uncle entertained themselves, she found herself anticipating dread as a familiar face was approaching her.

Instincts told the girl to run the opposite direction, and she did. She turned on her heels as quickly as possible but even still, she was no match to a man. George had easily caught up with her. She groaned knowing full well of his intentions.

"Lady Langford, I've been meaning to speak to you privately ever since the ball occured," George proclaimed.

Rose sighed as she was unfortunately placed in a situation where she had to face the man. She looked at him as he nervously stumbled along his words.

"W-will you have the h-honor of being my wife, Rose? Is it alright if I call you such? I mean it would be best to do away with formal-" He rambled on until Rose cut him off.

She shook his hand away from hers. She slowly took in a deep breath knowing full well that her character would be painted in the most negative of lights. "Lord Taylour."

"Please call me George I me-"

"LORD TAYLOUR, I have no interest in accepting your proposal. I do not wish to be your wife." She spoke it straightforwardly and watched as the poor man deflate.

"But why Lady Langford? Is there something about my character that does not please you?"

Rose bit her lip. There was nothing direly wrong with him. But she had little heart to hurt his ego but she also did not wish to encourage him. And so the best comment she could conjure within the moment was in regards to her dearest friend. "Because Lady Susan loves you truly and I can not."

"Lady Susan! If it's about her I have no interest in pursuing anything further with her. I had tolerated her for your behalf. I've always been in love with you Lady Langford!"

"Enough!" Rose exasperated. "I will not marry you Lord Taylour. I do not think I shall ever." She watched as the poor broken man before her trudge off without another word. At least he didn't seem angered but certainly dejected.

There was a pang of guilt that hit Rose in the heart but she was speaking the truth. Her aunt and uncle had always preached honesty but sometimes that in itself didn't seem like such a wonderful idea.

The weather seemed as fickle as a spoiled child. The evening was plagued with bitter storm and thunderous applauses. Generously Lady Jonathan had offered the Cecil residence as a place for rest until the storm passed. But this only prolonged Rose's misery as she averted her attention from Lord Taylour entirely. She hadn't spoken a word about the afternoon's transgressions but she was sure that many felt the tension in the room.

"You look rather downtrodden." William interjected distracting Rose from her thoughts.

"Perhaps I am." She brushed him off coldly.

"How about a drink? It'll help." He offered casually.

He hadn't appeared in anyone's presence until the evening during dining hours. While other guests had retired, he lingered as if were waiting solely upon her. Surprisingly she wasn't bothered by his existence unlike their first encounter where she found him an insufferable prick. She was looking for someone to ease her guilt and opportunity offered itself in the form of William.

"I usually don't offer women alcohol. But you look like you've seen a ghost."

"I've practically ruined a man's dreams." Rose muttered as she accepted the glass vial he had offered to her.

"George?" he mused.

"How did you know?"

"Poor bloke consulted me thinking I could advise him on marriage. Didn't think he'd try to marry you though. Not to offend you Lady Langford but your personality is palpable as a log."

"A log? You seemed quite desperate to associate yourself with a log a couple weeks ago if I'm not mistaken." She knitted her eyebrows together. "And trust me, your personality is as disagreeable as the weather outside."

William yawned, "my poor heart." dismissing her feeble attempt to injure his heart with a slight flair of dramatics.

"You must have stirred your sister and grandmother into a fit if you're under house arrest." Rose pointed out, continuing to drink the alcohol with mighty indifference.

He pursed his lips together in an attempt to form an excuse. "You've got me there."

"I can't believe I'm drinking with the sorry lot known as the Duke of Salisbury." Rose sighed.

"Speak for yourself Lady Langford."

And yet surprisingly the night seemed to continue on for the pair without a pause. While the two were cold toward one another at the beginning, the magic of alcohol did it's trick to loosen them both. The night would be the beginning of everything. 

A/N: Dun dun dun ... please comment and vote :) Until the next exciting installment of Romancing Rose! 

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