Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Rose never understood the fascination with horses and well, animals in general. It wasn't like she hated creatures but she never had a particular fondness toward them. Her Aunt and Uncle had made it a point to keep the house vermin free. But well, a horse was hardly anything one would describe as a vermin. She sighed as she had been obligated to attend a horse racing show just because William had chosen to participate.

Being out in public had never been quite so uncomfortable. There was plenty of gossip surrounding her but thankfully the Cecil family seemed quite intense on shielding her from it as much as they could. Though even so, everything that had occurred still left permanent and quite marring consequence that were irreversible even for Rose. Susan hadn't been permitted to socialize with Rose anymore and so she lost one of the very few friends she knew. And that in itself only made her more sour. George avoided her presence making things even more uncomfortable. Despite the fact that there were plenty of people around, she felt lonely.

She kept her eyes glued on the horses, waiting like a rock in the wind as everyone else was busy cheering for their husbands or their sweethearts. Rose felt out of place - empty almost.

William hadn't been out of the house and he hadn't planned on leaving the house if it weren't for Jonathan. Now that his bachelor status had disappeared, the world seemed to shift and change before him. Well, it certainly wasn't like he couldn't flirt with pretty girls but less seemed to be impressed by his existence. Some of his old pals made it a point to tease him for being a changed man, a 'tamed' animal ever since the ring slipped onto his finger. This only resulted in provocation and an increase in his competitiveness. He was still the same William Cecil with the dashing features and charming grin. He'd prove that today when he won.

He heeded no attention to Rose as he had his eyes only set ahead at the path.

"You look like you're ready to commit a crime William, relax!" Jonathan called out from behind him.

But William ignored him and he could feel the horse galloping faster than he had expected. He was almost as the finish line. He could taste the victory. Perhaps this would change Rose's view on him. And just as he thought he could grab a hold of triumph, it flashed before his eyes.

His grip on the reign was gone and he could feel the horse toss him off it's back. It felt like hours before his body made contact with the ground but when it did, he saw nothing but darkness.

Despite her usual calm composure and ardent stubbornness to remain indifferent - she couldn't hide her panic the moment the horse threw William off into the air. There was fear within her heart when she realized he wasn't fine and that his lifeless body scared her more than ever. She rushed to his side, watching as the competition came to an end without any declaration of a winner. Though there were other ladies offering assistance, Rose refused it all. He was her husband and she'd tend to his treatment.

"Are you sure you can handle these wounds Lady Cecil? The Lord's injuries are fairly deep and it may cause you to faint," the physician asked as he began to tend to her husband's wounds.

"I am fine, please continue doctor," she murmured, staring at the face of William in it's stillness. Though she harbored ill will towards him, she never wanted him to die. She'd be damned if he'd die on her like this. It was hardly fair and spiteful be it too.

As the clock ticked away, the more worried Rose grew as she realized that he wasn't returning from his consciousness. She pressed a palm to his forehead, noticing that he was growing warmer. If he were to become feverish it would only increase the risk of his life. Holding his hands in hers, she began to pray in much earnest desperation. She didn't want him to die - for the sake of their child (this was the justification she had concluded). Though Charlotte attempted to coax Rose from his side to have her own rest, she refused and stood her ground.

"He's a fighter! The boy will be strong again," grandmother Fanny nodded. Though despite the reassurance in her words, the old woman still seemed very concerned with her grandson.

Unlike other nights where they refused to accompany each other, rooms separated by a hall - this time, Rose remained by his side. Though the doctor warned her of catching any sign of his illness, she ignored it trusting that her health would be fine so long as he woke up.

By the next morning, he was still unconscious, his eyes shut but his limbs were capable of moving. She made sure to part his mouth and keep him hydrated. When he couldn't keep the liquid in his mouth, she reluctantly brought her own lips against his. She'd have expected him to stir from her touch but he didn't. She was more than terrified to see him wake up a changed man - for the worse. The image of him doomed to bed rest terrified her and she shook it out of her imagination. Even for William, it was too cruel.

William had only seen darkness in his nightmares and yet he felt comforted. Here in his loneliness, nobody would bother him, he wouldn't have distractions and just himself. He could see a light and yet he was tentative to follow it. Even in the face of death, perhaps he was still a coward.

But then he began to remember his obligations and the child. He was to be a father and he'd be a proper one. And it was on the second evening did he start stirring. He had expected Charlotte or at least his grandmother to be caring for him like he usually did but instead he was surprised to see that Rose was treating him. She looked fatigued but the moment he woke up was when her shoulders relaxed.

"You're awake," she whispered almost.

"Yea I'm f-" but she had cut him off, holding him in an unexpected embrace. Her dark brown locks brushing against his face as she hugged him gingerly. "Fine." he finished.

"Sorry," she murmured shyly, releasing him. "I'm glad," she said softly. She looked content and began to fuss over getting him things that he'd need.

"Why are you here," he abruptly grabbed for her wrist stopping her mid motion from pouring more water. It seemed as if she was attempting to fill the space with more white noise.

"For the child," she responded without looking at him.

"Tell me what you're thinking." This time he attempted to force himself to get up which only resulted in a grimace of pain as he realized he was still heavily injured.

Rose was quick to settle him down before he could cause more harm than good. "Please, take it easy. You've just regained consciousness - you can't afford to worsen your condition just as it was getting better." She said stiffly, gaze averted.

"Look at me," he said.

And yet Rose refused until his hand trailed from her wrist down to her hand this time. Rose didn't fight it. And she finally looked at him again, the familiar grey swirls softened now unlike the storm he witnessed the first time.

"Can we start over?" William was trying his best.

"I ... I don't know." She uttered.

To say that she was nervous was an understatement. She was afraid of accepting his proposal. There were too many what ifs in mind. "Ask me again when you're better and perhaps you'll have a more appealing answer, but not today," she said with a sigh after much hesitation in response.

"You're not as cold as you let on." William responded with the faintest of smiles before closing his eyes again.

And it was only then did Rose feel pink tint her cheeks, wordlessly she watched him sleep, his hand still intertwined with hers. 

A/N: Between midterm madness, being buried in school work and also sick (sore throat, runny nose and all that jazz) I've miraculously finally uploaded another chapter. Profuse apologies for the lateness. As usual, vote and please do comment! I would love to know if you guys enjoy the story line for William and Rose. It'd help me figure out if I want to for sure, continue with this Regency series. Until next time, bye bye! 

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