Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Rose awoke to unfamiliar sheets around her and the light blinding through the window. She remembered quickly again that she was temporarily staying at the Cecils. All was alright until she realized the current state of her being. Her heart began to beat furiously when she acknowledged that she was in the nude sleeping besides an equally bare Lord Cecil. She was going to scream but she calmed herself.

Rolling out of bed, she found her clothes disposed haphazardly onto the floor. The alcohol! The man was a devil. But she wouldn't let tears decorate her features. It was best if the man didn't remember. There was still time to escape seeing how it was early dawn. And so that was what Rose plotted exactly.

She left the room without a sound and returned to her own chambers. She locked the door to the room and cried to herself - hating herself even further for the carelessness of her mistakes. How could she have been so idiotic to accept his invitation of alcohol? She had been entirely compromised but the last thing she wanted to do was to be tied to him. So she vowed to keep her mouth shut.

It wasn't until the servants began to stir and fetch for her did Rose hurriedly urge for her aunt and uncle to pack their belongings and leave the Cecil residence immediately.

William hadn't stirred until much later. He remember vividly of the night before, quite satisfied with himself. He had gotten what he wanted from Lady Langford. She was yet another conquest achieved, he was sure of it. But when he had rolled over into his bed, there was no sight of the women. Only a faint whiff of her scent. He hadn't pressed her against her will at all. The woman had been quite accommodating herself and even encouraged the behavior. Though a flush of pink crept on his skin as he thought her again, the pureness of the women. Though she proved to be quite aloof on the outside, she was rather sweet when she was slightly inebriated. He wondered if she had scampered off in embarrassment. Well he wouldn't know - their paths wouldn't cross again since he was strictly forbidden to exit the house.

It had been several weeks since Rose had left the house but she was feeling entirely unwell for the past couple of days. She relived the remembrance of her behavior with William Cecil in shame. It wasn't until her aunt caught her heaving all over her bed was a physician summoned promptly.

"Well there is nothing unhealthy about Lady Langford." The physician admitted.

"Are you sure? She's been a recluse for the past couple of weeks." Her aunt commented worriedly.

"I-I'm fine Aunt Margaret." Rose said quietly.

"There's only one possibility of her recent illness but it's unlikely unless ..." The man suggested with a pause, almost nervous.

"Unless? Unless what! Do spit it out sir," Margaret insisted.

"Unless she is with child... "

Margaret let out a rather sharp gasp as she looked over at her niece. "If you'll excuse us sir." The physician was quick to exit the room.

"Rose, is what he said true? You're with child?"

Rose remained silent but she couldn't stop the tears from pouring out of her eyes. She had never felt so ruined in her life.

"Oh my sweet babe," her aunt was quick to embrace her as her niece began to sob.

"Where were you compromised and with whom?" Aunt Margaret asked gently as she soothed the girl.

Rose was a bumbling mess as she could barely blubber the words out.

"You needn't be embarrassed, I will seek justice for you."

Through all the snot and tearful cries, the girl could barely mumble her words coherently.

"Please darling, slowly. We have all day, take some deep breaths. You must care for your body now that you're with child." Her aunt soothed her quietly.

It took hours of consoling until Rose reluctantly revealed the parentage of her newfound fetus. She had hoped all would have been brushed under the rug but who would have thought that the devil himself would have been so evil as to spread his seeds. She wondered if she had been the first of many. Perhaps the Lord had made habit of doing such things with numerous other women. And this reminder in itself pained her heavily.

"Aunt Margaret." Rose called.

"Yes darling?" Her aunt was quick to attend her.

"I want to marry."

"Marry?" her aunt was surprised at such a request from her niece who had been stubbornly adamant in pursuing her own desires - which had been strictly directed in anything other than marriage.

"Yes, for the future of this child. I will bare the brute of the consequences. I wish to marry none other than the father of this child, the man responsible for my current state."

"Are you quite sure dear?"

"More sure than anything in my life."

Rose would seek justice from William Cecil, she'd make sure of it. She refused to let her unborn child live a life without the necessities of proper parents. He'd pay for this - for ruining her. She'd make sure of it. 

A/N: Thing's are gonna get super heated for sure :) Anyways, Happy July Fourth to my fellow Americans! Hope you're having some good BBQ and watching them awesome fireworks. As always, comment, vote etc, until the next one! 

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