Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"Rose!" Rose was jolted awake by her frantic aunt.

"What's all this commotion?" Rose asked lethargically as she rubbed her eyes, still rather sleepy.

"Lord Cecil and your father are fighting!

"William's here?" She uttered with much surprisement. She truly hadn't expected him to come and fetch her. She had mostly lost hope for such a thing to occur. At most, she had expected some sort of letter demanding for her return. But for him to come in person ... Nevermind that, she had other priorities set in mind first. The girl quickly got dressed as she followed after her aunt to witniss whatever was occuring.

From far away she could make out the forms of her father and William sparring. And by the looks of it, William was by far in the lead while her father looked like he was just about ready to topple over.

"Stop! William stop! Father, you stop too!" Rose cried out as she made her way toward both of the men.

William hadn't expected to come to the Langford household to be challenged and yet he readily did so. Rose looked nothing like her father and so it could only be concluded that his daughter inherited her beauty from her mother.

Just as William was going to end the fight, her familiar voice caused him to drop the sword that he was wielding.

"It's a friendly fight, nothing more!" Rose's father wheezed as he got up on his feet. "I admit defeat."

Despite the time they had been apart, Rose still appeared ever so lovely as she did last time. And he noticed the changes in her body, a pang of further guilt eating at him for the time that he had missed watching their child grow.

"Now before you two reconcile, I'd like to speak to William separately." David murmured.

Rose was intrigued. She had never seen her father look so serious. William didn't seem to fight his request and followed after her father.

The two men settled in an empty part of the grounds where there was no one else in sight. William was expecting that perhaps David wanted to continue finishing their fight but the man did otherwise.

"I'd like you to take good care of Rose for me Lord Cecil," he lowered his head in almost a subservient manner.

"Sir please, that is my only intention," William remarked.

"That is good, she is a good girl. She's much like her mother - a pure soul who was robbed from the earth." He sighed, looking and sounding more like his age than an irresponsible youth.

William was silent unsure of how to respond. He knew Rose was a wonderful woman and perhaps it was him that didn't deserve her.

"She's not an easy one right?" David mused with a chuckle. His question was met with an expected reaction. "She's guarded her heart quite carefully and it'll take more than sweet words and romances to move her. But if you've passed through all obstacles, you'll find the kindest and most honest girl you'll ever come to love."

"She's worthy for everything except for I," William confessed.

"You're a good lad and despite the rumors, I think you've got more strength than people put it."

"Thank you sir,"

And William found himself bonding quite well with Rose's father finding his company to be more pleasant thoughtful and interesting than originally expected.

Rose paced back and forth wondering what her father could be doing to William. But when both returned with pleasant smiles on her face, she felt relieved. "You've got a good husband Rosey dear! I must speak to you too privately now," he said with a cheerful grin.

Rose was surprised to hear that he had complimented William. Nevertheless she followed after the man wondering what more her father had to tell her this time. As they sat down, she looked at her father clearly for the first time, the lines on his face showing his age more than before. She hadn't really noticed until now. He held her hand in his, sighing as he looked up to the sky.

"You're just like your mother Rose. She was a perfect woman. The only woman, I'm sure your aunt and uncle called it rubbish. But if she had survived I would have settled down with her forever. She had an unbeatable spirit and a soul carved out of diamond. You're just like her. And," he paused. "I'm sorry for being the lousiest father but I think you've brought happiness for me and your aunt and uncle. Without you, I'm sure the Langford family would be lost."

"What do you mean?"

"You were the child that brought joy to everyone in this house. Your aunt and uncle needed someone. I too needed someone. But they needed you more. Please believe me when I say that I never wanted to abandon you."

Rose only managed to blink as she suppressed the emotions that were bubbling within.

"You may not have the best impression of me but I trusted your aunt and uncle to provide for you childhood I could never give you myself." He said softly. "I love you very much my dearest daughter."

Rose was taken aback by her father's sudden declaration. It moved her greatly to hear such things as she realized tears were welling up.

"Oh Rosy, it's alright to cry but I shall say - don't be too stubborn headed like your mother. William is a good man. I'd like to see my only daughter smile and content, you deserve much more than heartache."

Rose sniffled nodding her head, "I know father. Thank you."

David smiled, ruffling her hair in his fingers. "Don't you ever stop smiling and if William ever gives you any trouble, I will spar him. Even if I lose, I will fight for you always. Though as time goes, I won't be able to protect you as well as I want to but he can. Trust him a bit more Rose."

It was as if many years of lost time and pent up feelings had been recovered. She was crying, not just because she could but perhaps it was also due to the shift in her hormones. She was happy to see that both her father and husband were making efforts. It was time for her to try again. She'd only make herself more and more miserable if she held her grudges and lived off hate. 

A/N: After a year and such break, I found the rest of the chapters for this story and will be slowly publishing them through. Thank you all for your support and know that I appreciate your comments and all. 

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