Chapter 16 | Meet the parents, somewhat

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'If I Love You
Was a promise
Would you break it
If you're honest?
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
I don't wanna be you anymore'


A c e

As I was laughing at Ray's screaming she calls singing, she suddenly stops and says.

"Hey, it's none of my business but those cars look like they've been following us for a while now," when I look around, my face turns cold and I curse under my breath.

"Okay, get my phone and dial Blake's number," I say urgently and swiftly turn around the block.

"H-Hey Blake," i hear her stutter and it physically hurts me to know she's scared.

"Put it on speaker," she does as she's told. "It's a 911 code red, track us down immediately and send them."

"Yes sir."

"Bird, wear the scarf around your nose and mouth so they don't recognize you and lower your beanie," i instruct, and once again she does what she's told.

She starts moving around, looking for something in particular and then opens the window.

"Woah, what are you doing? They might start shooting," i put the car on auto pilot and look for my pistol.

"I know a way or two to distract people," she says before sticking her torso out the window and throwing a big rock.

"Where did you.. how do you know..?"

"Ace! Focus please! I can only remain calm for this long," she looked at me wide eyed.

As I'm shooting at their tires, I see my gang's cars and signal to them.

"We got it from here! Go on ahead so lady boss doesn't lose her mind," I hear Blake from the radio.

Ray sighs nervously before sitting up, adjusting her seatbelt and smoothing her clothes.

"You okay? Did they hit you?" I ask once we're in the clear.

"I-I'm okay, I probably should've brought my inhaler," she laughs shakily.

A little while later, we reach my parent's mansion in the rich area of the town.

"What if they don't like me? Am I supposed to get their approval? Are you gonna dump me if they see me as average? Of course you are, they're family," she whispers te last part to herself.

I cup both her cheeks and lower down to her level, "I honestly don't care if they like you or not. But they are family and my mother has been waiting for me to finally date."

"Baby boy?" My mom suddenly opens the door with full force. "I just heard from Blake you guys had a code red! What have I ever told you?"

"Mom, this is Ray Griffin. Ray, this is my mom Ava."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. King," she politely extends her hand but is met with a scoff.

"Come in, it's cold," she says, not seeming to care.

"I told you," Ray whisper playfully. I put my hand around her waist and guide her to the house.

"Richard, guess what happened while they were on the way here," my mom asks my dad that's sitting on the couch doing paperwork.

"Ava, he's a big boy. Sit down and wait for the guest to arrive so we can get this over with," he says without looking up.

I take this chance of silence to clear my throat and say, "Dad, I'd like you to meet Ray."

He freezes for a moment before cracking his neck and standing up straight to walk towards us. I feel Ray gets closer to me so our hips attach like glue. I guess my dad is an intimidating guy.

"Nice to meet you Mr. King, thanks for welcoming me to your home," Ray once again extends her hand, but my dad actually responds in a polite way.

"You've invaded our son's home, this is the only place left," my mom whispers thinking we can't hear her, but Ray stiffening slightly is a sure factor that she heard.

"Who's hungry?" My dad covers up the fact that we all heard the statement. "Ava, let's give the kids some time while we check on the food?"

My mom sighs and nods before crossing her arms and going to the kitchen.

Ray stays silent and still when the living room is empty. I felt awful for the way my mom was treating her, but she only means well.

"This reminds me of when I first went to Danielle," Ray starts. "It was the little side comments and the whispers at first, turned into yelling and then you know what," she finishes off with a sad smile before looking at me. My heart felt like it would rip out of my chest for making her feel that again.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

"You don't have to apologize, your dad is being really nice, and I'm somewhat jealous you have a mom to be worried about you," she shoves me playfully and tries to deny the fact that she's still thinking about her past memories.

We walk into the kitchen and head my mom say to my dad in a whisper yell voice.

"Did you see her face? She's trying to look innocent and deceive our baby. The second day they meet what? They move in together? She planned this all out! She's a slut Richard, she's going to use our-"

When I'm finally snapped out of my thoughts by Ray cowering behind me slightly, I lose it.

"NO, mom! You don't get to decide who my girlfriend is when you haven't met her! Why can't you be happy for me? You wanted me to date, I'm doing it with a person that's worth it. If you want to stand here and yell to Dad about the girl I plan to marry one day, I won't have it. So we're going to politely exit this party and go home," when I'm finished with my yell rant, all eyes are staring at me.

However, it doesn't take me much to grab Ray's hand and walk towards the car.

"-ce, Ace!" I hear Ray once we're in the car but keep focusing on the road. "Babe, please calm down." Hearing her voice makes everything bearable. I used to go to my gang's hideout to beat up some people that owed money before she came along.

Now her voice alone is what keeps me from turning into a monster.

So, I'm writing this new story and I usually hate when people talk about their other books, but I'm really excited for that one as well. Problem is, my ideas for both stories are starting to get mixed up so i probably won't upload tomorrow just to get sorted out. Please check it out if you have the time, it's called 'The Gang Leader'
Thanks for reading!!

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