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Warning! Mentions of cutting!dont read if these will have any effect on you, stay safe :)

(9/10/21) - I had taken down this certain chapter for a bit to filter out some comments that were making me super uncomfortable. I didn't think anyone would notice it was down, but recently people have found this little fic again. I hope those who wanted it, found it! I am so happy many of you are comfortable enough to talk about your problems, but remember that your descriptions could trigger someone else! i mean that in the most nicest way possible. that's all! Enjoy reading :)-

Today was stressful for Peter, he had
two tests he hadn't had enough time to study for.
It was flash's birthday week, so he was more annoying than usual.
Ned was sick so he had no one to hang out with that day.
And he had already missed his first class because he left his project at home and didn't realize it until he was at school.

So needless to say Peter was extremely happy when Mr.Stark said he could go over to the tower after school.

Peter slammed his locker door shut, and pulled his backpack up on his shoulders.  Before it happened Peter knew it was coming, but how suspicious would it be to dodge hands you can't see coming?

Exactly, so that's why peter let them turn him around and slam him into the lockers. Much to Peters embarrassment, the whole hall seemed to quiet down. Flashes face appeared in Peters range of view, his teeth bared and his eyebrows pointing downward.

"Hey penis," snarled flash, putting more pressure on Peters shoulders. It was painful, but nothing Peter couldn't bare.

Face blank peter merely stared into flashes eyes,
"Hey flash" he replied boredom dripping off his words.
Flash seemed to notice that.
"Bored now are we? You're going to regret that."
Peter rolled his eyes, his excitement from earlier edging away.
Flash Growled,
"How's your uncle Penis?"
Peter scowled, is he really that stupid?
"Dead," peter replied "as you should know, or is short term memory added to your list of flaws?"

Flash Growled,
"Don't test me Penis"

"If you have your entire life to be a jerk, why don't you take today off?"

Flash flashed a smile,
"It's my birthday week,"

Peter rolled his eyes again,

"Bet your uncle in happy to be dead, heard his anniversary's coming around. Don't bother with any flowers he's happy enough to be away from you."
Peter was confused by the sudden change of topic, but that didn't mean the words hurt any less. His hurt must have shown of his face for flash kept on going.

"You are just a disappointment Peter, a waste of space and air. Does your aunt know you were there when he died? When you let him take the bullet? When you were to busy being a coward, when your uncle was dying?"

Peter flinched his face paling, tears sprang to his eyes.
His confusion to how flash new this was distracted by the unbearable guilt and hurt.
Finally him and flash agreed to something, maybe they aren't so different after all.

"Maybe your aunt is thinking of a way to die, to get away from you and your petty lies."

Peter was having a hard time keeping his face straight and the tears out of his eyes.

"The stark internship is such a lie and you know it, what millionaire would accept a orphan like you into his system? You're pathetic Peter, pathetic and worthless. If I were you I would have just ended it already."
Peter was frozen and pale, he hadn't moved or said anything since the beginning of Flash's accusations.
Satisfied Flash pushed his hands of Peter.
"Later Penis," he called as he walked away.
Peter stuck to the locker, flash was right oh god flash was right! What if may, oh no. Oh god, Mr.Stark!

Peter snapped out of his thoughts and directed his thoughts elsewhere, he tugged his backpack back on his shoulders and slowly walked out of the school.

Happy was waiting for him, he couldn't take to long.

The ride back to the tower was absolutely silent. Not one word was said, happy did give him occasional looks of concern but Peter merely turned to make it seem like he didn't see them.

He didn't even say thank you to Happy when he hopped out of the car and into the tower.
He didn't say hi to the secretary or to Friday who greeted him as soon as he stepped into the tower.

He was sad-
Wait not sad, 
No, guilty.

Flashes words loomed In Peter's mind and he couldn't help but agree with everything.
He pressed the button in the elevator,

He was a coward, he was the reason uncle Ben is dead, and he should just...
End it before Aunt May did it first.

Did aunt may really think of him that way? Did she really blame him?

Of course she does, he was there, he could have stopped it. But he didn't, now Bens dead.

Tears sprang to his eyes and he quickly wiped them away.

Peter preferred if Mr.Stark don't see him like this.

The elevator doors sprang open and Peter carefully stepped out, grabbing his badge out of his bag he stepped down to Mr.Starks personal lab.


Tony knew something was wrong with Peter as soon as he stepped into his lab, he didn't greet him enthusiastically or rambled about his day.

He just slumped into his seat, his curly brown hair covering his eyes.
"You alright kid?"

"I'm fine," came the monotone voice,

Tony looked up from his project,
"You're not fine,"
It came out more like a statement, rather than an act of comfort.

Peter shook his head and turned away from the billionaire.



"I'm fine Mr.Stark, really." The words tumbled out of his mouth effortlessly. Both of them new that it wasn't true. But only one of them wanted to leave it alone.


"Mr.Stark! I don't want to talk about it!" Yelled Peter throwing his pencil on the ground.

"So there is something wrong?!" Shouted Tony,
"Why don't you tell me?!"

"Because it's none of your business!"

"It's effecting your work!"

"Is that all in here for?" Shouted Peter, hurt clearly displayed in his voice.


"I have to go,"
Peter stood up, gathering his things clumsily.

Tony jumped from his chair and made his way over to peter who had now just left the room.

"Peter!" Shouted Tony, getting closing to the teen.

Peter kept his head down and made a beeline to the elevator.

"Peter!" Tony grabbed Peters sleeve and yanked him back, accidentally bringing the sleeve with him.

Tony froze as Peter looked at the man in complete horror.

His arms were covered in long thick white lines. Some scabbed over and some old and scarred.

"Peter..." Tony gasped breathlessly.

A wave of guilt crashed over the mechanic, how could he have not noticed? How did he not notice!?

Peter yanked back his arm and covered it with his other hand. His face pale and his movements screaming nervousness.

"I-I need to go," he fumbled before he sprinted to the elevator leaving Tony speechless.

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