Isolation, part one

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Ever since peter had come back from the soul stone Tony has gone out of his way to stay clear of Peter.

And it stung

What could have Peter possibly done to prompt this bizarre behavior? Had he said the wrong thing, did he do the wrong thing? These were all things Peter should ask Tony, but all communication to Tony were cut, his calls would go straight to voicemail, texts won't go through, his comms are disconnected and whenever he had tried to enter the tower FRIDAY politely directs him out saying something about Tony and a meeting.

Happy still talks to him, more so not not. He is grateful, don't get Peter wrong, but he just wants to talk to Tony. He understands he always was the father figure to Peter. And ever since he came back, he needs him most.

Happy has said the Tony has been over whelmed, Peter believed that and just wants Tony to be ok, but is it selfish that he just wants to talk to him though that seems to be the last thing he wants to do?
It was a late afternoon and peter sat at his desk, the pencil eraser between his teeth and his eyebrows furrowed together in a state of mild concentration as he worked on his math assignment.

The sun gleamed through his slightly open windows and spilled onto his floor in small waves providing some natural sunlight to the darkened room.

Peters cracked phone laid on his bed, muted and silent. Peter had thrown the phone there after the seventh call to Tony had gone directly to voicemail, it was getting ridiculous at this point. He needed to talk to Tony about it, he was there and whenever he brought the topic up to May she seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown and he couldn't do that to her. She didn't know exactly what had happened on titan but she had a pretty good idea.

She could hear him mumbling in his sleep.

Peters mind slowly dazed off the equation in front of him and to his imaginary encounters with Mr.Stark on why he had been ignoring him. In one, he was calm, in another he was screaming. Peter threw down his pencil with an unsatisfied sigh, he gave up. He couldn't concentrate on anything besides..
He should text Happy,
Peter stood from his chair and took two steps to be at the foot of the messy bed, snatching his phone off his comforter he swiped onto his and Happy's messaging slot.

Peter: Hey, Happy? I was wondering if I could see Mr.Stark sometime this week?

Happy: no can do, he's booked all week. Sorry kiddo.

Peter sighed in frustration, he threw his phone back down onto his bed and grabbed his pillow and slammed it onto his face. His eyes watered and peter angrily wiped them away with the pillow.

He was being pathetic, Mr.Stark had better things to do then talk to an over emotional teenager. He dragged the pillow down his face and looked at the ceiling of his room.

He really couldn't focus on his homework and was extremely bored. Peter looked longingly over to his closet  The was opened slightly but just enough to see the Spider-Man suit sticking out.

Maybe, he could go out on patrol? He hadn't gone out since he came back... The news is even becoming aware of his absence.

Peter stood up abruptly causing his bed to groan in protest, a little patrolling action couldn't hurt.

He jumped from his bed and slipped on the spidey suit, slamming the emblem on his chest his heart fluttered with excitement as the thin fabric sucked onto his skin. he walked to his window and threw it open, letting the cold breeze hit his face. a small smile played on his lips as he took in the beloved city in front of him. He slipped his mask on and jumped out of the window, following the direction Karen had already pulled out for him.

There will definitely be a part two, don't worry. Just having a small writer's block and wanted to get out at least one chapter before I get stuck. Don't be afraid to send in prompts!

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