Isolation part 3

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Some swearing, vague mentions of incoming panic attack. Doesn't happen though.

"Kid I'm just gonna give this to you bluntly,"

Peters head perked up in interest, he appreciated that Happy got straight to the point, Peter didn't know if he could deal with being in the dark any longer.

"Tony isn't well," Happy sighed, his eyes expressing how tired he really felt.

Worry churned in Peters stomach,

"Well, physically, he is. Mentally? No."

Peter couldn't help but feel some relief flush through him. He was still worried of course, but he was just happy that Mr.Stark wasn't hurt.

"What do you mean Happy?" He asked slowly.

"Look, don't tell Tony I told you this."

Peter nodded vigorously, "I promise,"

Happy stared at the boy through the car mirror, before nodding to himself.
"Tony never leaves his lab, he's locked it to where only Pepper can enter, of course she uses that time to bring him food but he won't eat it."

Peter fisted his hands by his sides. The familiarity of Mr.Starks situation sent a chill down Peters spine.

"He refuses to talk to anyone, and at this point I'm desperate Peter."

Peter could tell indeed that Happy was desperate, first off. Happy had never opened up to Peter like this and if he was being honest, he was feeling slightly overwhelmed.

"What can I do?" Peter asked quietly, the tension in the car thick enough to cut with a knife.

Happy sighed, "honestly kid, it wasn't my idea to bring you along,"

Peter cocked his head to the side in confusion, and somewhat of hurt.

"Pepper wanted you to come, she had insisted that Tony would listen to you,"

"He hasn't been talking to me either,"

"I know kid, I know. But he can't exactly ignore you if you're face to face."

Peter took in a deep breath, he wasn't confident that he was the right person to help Tony. But if Pepper trusted him, he had to at least try.

Although Peter was ecstatic to see Tony, he couldn't help but feel some anxiety at the thought.

He loved Tony, don't get him wrong, he just doesn't want to show up and it turns out that he isn't the right person to help Tony. That kind of rejection would hurt and Peter knew it.

"Are we going there now?" He asked softly, resting his cheek on the cool glass. Watching as they passed by many civilians who gazed at the expensive limo.

Happy nodded, "you should text your aunt. Say it's the internship or something."

"She knows about him,"

Happy turned around shocked, "How?"

Peter turned his gaze from the people, folding his hands in his lap he stated,
"Saw the suit,"

Happy sighed deeply, "you have to be careful about this kind of stuff peter,"

Peter nodded solemnly, the remark resting on his lips.

Happy pulled into the compound garage, putting the car in park and locking the doors before turning to look at Peter.

"Look, I just want to warn you if Tony isn't all goody goody when he sees you."

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