Isolation, part two

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Peter flopped onto his bed, pulling his mask off with a breathy sigh. It was a rather calm night, he only had to stop four muggings and all were rather easy to stop.

He even had to wait at least an hour before each attack too. He should be happy that the crime wasn't severe tonight but he could help but feel so disappointed at the lack of action.

He flipped his arm over his face and let out a deep sigh, he should probably get to studying on his English test tomorrow since he came back somewhat early. But he couldn't bring himself to get out of the bed,

He could use this extra time to catch up on the sleep he's being missing. But he was scared of the nightmares it would bring along. Every night since the snap was reversed nightmares plagued his mind. He would wake up every morning horror etched on his face and swear heading down his forehead.

They were often the same thing, him crumbling to ash and feeling every bit come off him. The pain was horrible, it felt as if knives were stabbing at his skin over and over and over again.

But some nights, it wasn't him falling to dust, it was Mr.Stark.

He would watch as his father figure screamed in agony while turning to dust. He would listen to his broken cries for help as he clutched onto peter with the last of his pitiful amount of strength.

And each night he woke up from those he would call Mr.Stark. And each time he called him, it would go straight to voice message.

Peter often just used the quick recording or Tony saying "I'm not gonna call back" to ground himself from an incoming panic attack. Other times, he would text happy. Though he didn't answer all the time. He still did it for the little times he did. peter could feel his resolve breaking he blinked away tears that embarrassingly stung his eyes.

He was better than this, Tony was merely busy and recovering from the war, yeah. That was it...


The hall was packed and Peter had a hard time pushing through the large amount of people who would bundle up in the middle of the hallway. it really seemed that they couldn't find it in there little hearts to move off to the side to go gossip about the math teacher.

bags hung under peters eyes and his shoulders slouched, he really shouldn't have spent the whole night studying, but what else could he do? Sleep? it wasn't like the dreams would spare him a night. so he decided to spend his time accordingly.

Ned texted peter that morning saying he was sick so it seems that he a lone wolf today, he just hoped that Flash had caught whatever Ned did. Peter really isn't in the mood for dealing with him or any of his goons today.

The first half of the day was as good as it could get with out his guy in the chair, Peter had aced his math quiz , like he knew he would, and finished some English homework before the ending bell. Flash hadn't spoke a word to him yet. well,  yet.

As Peter was sitting by himself at a table separated from the whole school, Peter could sense Flash walking behind him before a hand clamped down painfully on his shoulder.

"Hey Penis, where's fatso?" Flash jered, smiling at the redness that came to Peters face.  Though, despite the anger, Peter stayed silent.

"Off eating more than his body weight again? At this rate, he's gonna die. Bet he'll be happy to leave you." Flash continued,

Peter's face was now beat red, his hand twitched. Everyone in the room stopped talking and watches the duo.

"Go away flash, " Peter growled under his breath, clenching his fist in anger.

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