sky's above

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I sit on my bed as my mother packs my clothes into a small bag for me.  I'm clinging onto my bear that I got for my third birthday. Tears streaming down my face.

"mommy,  please don't make me go,  I want to stay with you" I tell her,  with sobs intruding my words.

She stops what she's doing and I have hope "Annika, please don't make this any harder then it has to be" her face showing that the second she puts me on that bus, she'll break down too. She's just being strong for me.

"why can't you come with me?" I try again.

"we've talked about this,  only children are allowed to go" she tells me for what must be the tenth time this morning.

"but... " I'm interrupted by a honk out side.

My mother finishes packing, "they're here" she holds out her hand and I grab it.

Once we get to the front door she kneels down and looks me in the eyes, "I love you very much, just know that where ever you are,  that won't change" I nod my head.

"ready ma'am?" a tall looking man dressed in a nice uniform says to her.

She wipes a stray tear a way from her face, "yes, this is the only way to keep them safe, right?"

The soldier nods and takes my hand,  but I don't want to go.  He ends up having to carry me to the bus.  Once on I find about eight other kids with expressions just like mine. As I looked out the window, I watched every sight pass by,  knowing that it'll probably be the last time I see my home planet.

Twenty years later

It's been years since I last saw my mother, I was eight years old that day we were forced to evacuate. We spent about seven years preparing for hyper sleep, then we were put into pods to sleep until we reached our destination, little did we know, we were never supposed to reach our destination. We had been lied to, the children of the world weren't evacuated to protect us from the alien threat, we were the price that the aliens demanded.

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