it was all for you

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Harper Green was ten when her older sister went missing, presumed dead, she's fifteen now and things are normal again. Her sister has twenty-five, when she disappeared, but despite their age Gap they were close.

Harper still misses her sister and enjoys remembering their time together, one day she's going through some old movie tapes and finds one with her sisters hand writing. They used to make "movies" together, so she puts it in thinking that it was just one of their "movies" but what she sees isn't what she expected.


I put the tape in and sit down in front of the old box tv we have up in our attic. Arial used to love making "movies" for me to watch. It starts playing and I smile at the memory's of Arial and me making up stupid story's then recording them.

"Harper if your watching this then I'm probably gone. Don't worry I'm not dead, at least I hope.," I freeze realizing that this isn't a made up story. "I need to tell you something, a secret we've been keeping from you. Now I don't know if mom and dad have already told you by the time you've found this tape, but I'm going to tell you anyways."

I lean in closer to the tv "I'm not your sister," there's a pause before she continues "I'm your mother."

I feel like my brain just shattered, but I don't have time to think about what she just said as she continues. "I was young and mom and dad had always wanted another kid but couldn't have one after me. It just stort of made since, but your father's not a good man. I think he was at one time but his heart slowly faded away. I never told him about you, but I think he always kind of knew. Anyways I'm getting off topic." There's a sound out if the frame of the camera and she looks towards it.

"I'll come play with you in moment," she shouts before looking back at the camera. "That's you, I promised to take you to the park. Anyways where was i, oh yeah, there's these people, they came looking for me last week, they were associates of your father. Apparently they thought they could use me for some kind of laverage. I can't let them find out about you, so I'm going to leave."

She pauses, almost crying, "its the only way to keep you safe, just know that I love you." The video cuts to black before it stops completely. How am I supposed to react to this?

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