Chapter One - Part One

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With the sun shining bright ahead, Winter closed her eyes. It was the first warm day in a while. The heat already made her grey robe stick to her skin, only being outside for what seemed like ten minutes. Trees swayed as she walked around Goldenfordge. It was too early for this. Training for witches and wizards, just like her, was useful for her magic. She didn't know much, but slowly she was learning all that she could about maneuvering ice. One day, she'd be just like her father. It was a mandatory session that happened at least twice a week, but once she turned twenty, it'd all be over. She spotted the Arena, the very place she had attended for magic training for the past year. The grey building had her frowning a little in distaste. There was a long line forming in front of it, too long for her liking.

She couldn't wait to graduate.

The sound of footsteps appeared behind her, followed seconds after by a wavy bush of blonde hair. Ocean blue eyes stared back into hers when she glanced at him. "Are you ready for this, sis?"

She couldn't help but smile. Summer was her best friend. Even though Mother did her best to separate them, he always found a way to her and she loved it. "Not really. You know I'm not the best with my magic."

He kept turning his head towards the wizards by the street, then back at her. "But you're you. That's what matters. Don't worry about anyone else." A grin formed as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You're right." She yawned. He always told her what she needed to hear at the right time. It made her feel special.

The wizards were all mumbling, flicking their eyes between her and the others. By the way they were looking at her, she knew they wanted to ask her questions, but she hoped they wouldn't interrupt her morning. There were things she needed to do. Summer would watch them when they weren't paying attention. She guessed he didn't want anything to do with them either. Luckily, they continued their conversation without getting either of them involved.

While she moved forward to catch up with her fellow classmates, her shoes slid across the concrete of the road when a giant gust of wind slammed against her back, almost knocking her over. A hand grabbed her arm as if to stop her from falling. Thinking it was Summer, she calmed down, catching her breath.

"Are you okay there, Princess?" a deep voice spoke behind her.

Immediately, she jumped up, breaking free from the person who caught her. Winter turned around, only to find a blonde haired man with dark brown eyes staring back at her.

For a brief moment, Summer was glaring at the man, then his gaze softened. She knew why. He was the son of the King, acting out wasn't allowed.

She opened her mouth to speak, but before any sound could make it out, Summer took over. "Who are you?"

Her dark hair became a frizzy mess as she tried to push it out of her face. She was positive it wasn't this windy a few seconds ago. She stayed close to her brother as her heart threatened to hop out of her chest. Doing her best to hide her shaking hands behind her back, she took another breath trying to calm herself down. Why did this strange man catch her instead of Summer?

"I'm Phoenix, from Lost Meadow. It's nice to finally meet you both."

Winter's eyebrows raised, gaining the courage to speak. "Finally meet us? What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, really. All I meant was I've seen you two around before. You are the King's family after all."

"Oh yes, of course. Well, it's nice to meet you too, then. And, thank you for catching me." She gave him a small smile, a part of her still unsure as to what he really meant.

Phoenix left without acknowledging her. She was confused, especially since she didn't know him. He had to be hiding something.

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