Chapter Three - Part Two

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On both sides of the door, the guards were about ready to jump on Phoenix before the Queen jumped in, placing a hand to stop them, shooing them away with a flick of her wrist. "It's fine, I know him."

"Thank you," Phoenix said, giving her a small bow.

Her mother locked eyes with Winter. "Well, look who finally made it home." Her sharp gaze landed on Phoenix, her eyebrows furrowed while spitting out his name. "Phoenix."

"Figures you know Phoenix too. Why are Summer and I the only one who don't?"

Her mother glanced towards him, beginning to walk closer until she was standing right in front of him, raising her eyebrows. Then, she glared at Winter. "That's beside the point. I've had enough. Go inside." A look of distaste was thrown at Phoenix by her mother. "What are you doing here, Phoenix?"

Before he could respond, Winter cut in. "I'm not going inside. Whatever you say to him, you can say in front of me."

Mother sighed, glaring at her once again. "Fine. I'm not getting into this with you." She turned her head towards Phoenix. "I apologize for her behavior, Phoenix. Anyways, tell me why you're here."

"Nothing in particular, Your Highness. I was only coming to see the crops you have planted here when I ran into the Princess--"

"You didn't run into me, you met me here at the door," Winter interrupted.

Her mother sighed, raising a hand to stop her from speaking. "Winter, you know better than to interrupt people when they are speaking." Her eyes drifted from her daughter to Phoenix. "I know that's a lie, Phoenix. I spotted you at the funeral. Coming for the crops was certainly not your intention."

Phoenix frowned for a moment before his lips twisted upwards. "Yes, well, I suppose you're right. The King died. It's only respectful to attend his funeral. Though, of course, I am here about the crops. The two of us were supposed to speak of it yesterday but then..."

The Queen's gaze softened at his words, then Phoenix pointed in Winter's direction. "But, as I was saying, I was coming to see the crops when I ran into her and thought I should check and make sure she was alright since she was walking alone. No Princess should walk alone at night." He smiled, glancing over at Winter.

Winter rolled her eyes and sighed when she heard this. She knew that he wasn't telling the truth, at least to her it didn't seem like he cared about her that much, especially since he scared her at night. Although, her mother would believe anything that didn't come from her mouth, so she knew he would get away with this. It wouldn't be as easy for him if Father was here though. Then again, Father knew him and she didn't. Maybe they were all hiding something. Why were her and the crops so important to him?

"Well I appreciate you very much for watching over my daughter. It's been rough for all of us. Why don't we go inside? It's warmer in there and we can have a little chat." 

"Mother, I don't think that's--" 

"I would love that, Your Highness. I do have a small problem though. I was hoping you would let me stay here for the night. The inn I was staying at before was full when I went back to book another night." His gaze shifted towards her, a chuckle slipping from his mouth. "I suppose I shouldn't have checked out this morning."

Winter turned immediately, looking at Phoenix, who shrugged in return. He was up to something and even though he looked innocent, she didn't buy it. She hoped Mother wouldn't agree, but even if she did, it's not like Winter could say anything to change her mind.

Her mother walked inside, Phoenix following slowly behind her as he took his first step into the castle, his foot loudly pounding against the wood floor. "Oh, that's no problem we can find a place for you to stay here in the castle."

Winter's jaw fell open. Was she actually serious? How could she let him stay the night, let alone trust him?

He smirked, turning his head toward Winter. "Oh, that will be wonderful!" He walked forward, glancing around the room before he spoke again.

Shortly after that conversation, Summer came down the stairs. His eyes immediately flicked between her and Phoenix. "What's he doing here?"

"He found me as I was walking back home, apparently he was at the funeral. Did you see him? Anyways..." She rolled her eyes. "Mother said he could stay the night."

Summer nodded. He wouldn't say what he thought about the situation. She guessed she would have to get him alone in order for them to talk about it. Some things he was okay with saying around Mother, but he was still hesitant.

Either way, she tried to pry the information out of him. "Do you trust him?"

He turned his head both ways before responding, probably looking for their mother. Lowering his voice, he said, "I don't know, maybe? We don't know much about him yet so it makes it harder to know for sure."

"That's true." Winter smiled, leaving the conversation there and started to head toward her mother, but Summer grabbed her by the arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" he whispered, his voice barely audible at this point.

She pulled away from him. "Relax, I got this."

While Phoenix was off looking around in the living room at all their expensive things lying on the shelves, Winter grabbed her mother's arm lightly and pulled her towards the stairs. Before her mother got a chance to speak, she explained, "Sorry Mother. I know that wasn't right of me, but do you really think this a good idea? Would Father let this happen?"

Her mother scoffed, resting her arms by her side as she watched Phoenix tour parts of the castle. "Your Father isn't here now. It doesn't matter whether he would or not." Winter could see water building up in the corner of her eyes again. "Plus, you heard Phoenix, he said he was making sure you weren't alone at night. Don't you think that was nice of him considering you made a big scene earlier today by not wanting to ride with us?" She exhaled a breath, looking between her and Summer. "Your Father and I have known him a lot longer than you have. Everything's fine."

Winter nodded as her mother walked away to sit at the dining room table. It wasn't hard for her to believe that she would trust someone so easily, but there was no possibility that Winter would make it that easy to trust him, even though her family seemed to have known him. She doubted her mother was really looking out for her, but what other part would she be playing with this guy? More importantly, what was he trying to do?

The screech of the chairs being pulled out from the table as they rubbed against the floor took Winter out of her trance. Phoenix was holding one of Father's treasured valuables, it was a gold globe, almost identical to the ones she had in her room. A frown fell on his face as he twisted it in his hands, his eyebrows furrowed.

Immediately, Winter rushed over to where he was standing, took the globe from his hands and placed it back where it belonged. "Don't touch that! No one is allowed too! Even I was told not to touch it."


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