Chapter 6-Jason Martin

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"Jason here helped me with one of my asthma attacks."

"Actually this is the fastest I have ever recovered from." Steve said as Bucky sat with him as I stood out like a sore thumb in the corner watching the two best friends chat.

I have had my fair share of awkward situations like my father and Peter incident which has official scared me for life. I found before I was sucked into 1941 that peter had proposed to my father. I just hope peter knows what he is getting himself into. Bucky turned to me and I didn't realise I had zoned out.

"Thank you for looking after Stevie for me." Said Bucky as I gave him a stiff nod

"It's fine just helping our a friend in need." I answered

"We f-rien-ds?" stuttered Steve in shock

I let a soft chuckle escape my lips and simply replied. "If I weren't friends with you I would have killed you for whatever money you had and then found a way to blame your murder on that rabbit over here." I said pointing at Bucky

Steve and Bucky stiffened causing me to laugh softly at their expression.

"What the hell is a rabbit?" asked Bucky looking very offended that I called him a rabbit.

I bust out laughing as Steve looked over to his best friend in horror .

"He just said he was going to kill me and blame you for it but the only thing that you are worried about is the fact he called you a rabbit, but I SWEAR YOU HAVE A GIFT , IT BEING KNOWN AS SELECTIVE HEARING!" Steve ranted and I am still in the corner laughing my ass off.

I calm myself down enough so I could talk, "You know Bucky, word of you way with the ladies gets around, Buck is the name for a male rabbit, rabbits are known to breed like crazy and the way you are chasing up girls skirts..." I explained as Bucky's face turned red and Steve started laughing his ass off.

"I think I hate him." Said Bucky looking at me

"No you don't." said Steve still laughing

"No I most definitely do." Bucky countered glaring at Steve.

"Anyway I will start cooking dinner while you to clean up, I many mean Bucky because he smells like a fish that has been shit out a shark."

"Language." Bucky said in a stern voice as Steve started his seconded round of laugher but both men leave to clean up for dinner, I looked at what they had.

They had a lot of Potatoes and an idea popped into my head Gnocchi but I knew that Steve and Bucky wouldn't be use to it but It was the only thing that I could think of that was easy to make.

I grabbed 2 potatoes, 2 cups of floor and 1 egg.

1. What I did yet: Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil. Cook potatoes until tender but still firm; about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and mash until smooth.

2. Combine mashed potato, flour and egg in a large bowl.

3. Knead the dough until it forms a ball. Cut the dough into quarters then working with one piece at a time on a floured surface roll into a snake about 1 1/2cm thick. Cut lengths into 1cm pieces.

4. Bring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook the gnocchi in batches for 3 to 5 minutes or until gnocchi float to the top then cook further 1 minute. Remove with a slotted spoon, drain well

I then made a burnt butter sauce and put spinach with it. The I placed the Gnocchi into three bowls with three forks and began washing up all the equipment I used to make dinner with. When I was about finished making it, Bucky and steve walked out.

"What are these?" asked Bucky looking at the bowl in front of him.

"It's potato, but most people would call it Gnocchi, just eat it."

They both sat there silently and they ate after a few minutes they had massive grins before they both eat the Gnocchi as if it was the 1st thing they have eaten in years which made my eyebrows raise to my hair line.

"So were did you learn to make this Gnocchi?" asked Bucky

"I lived in a small town in called Cortona in Italy for a few weeks."

"You've been to Italy?" asked Steve surprise

"I've been to more places than just Italy, sweetheart." I told him with a wink causing steve to blush and Bucky to huff a light laugh

After hours of talking, Bucky and Steve went to bed and I slept on the couch . Maybe being stuck in 1941 won't be that bad?

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