Chapter 10- Not ready to forgive

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Stiles POV:

It's been quiet the eventful lunch. We are now babysitting Rochelle and Groot. I'm still pissed at Bucky for the 'shower incident'. I mean he did just witness the scars from my past... my weakness. I have only ever told my father, Peter Parker, Matt, Foggy and Natasha about all the history behind every scar on my back. Hell my dead ex boyfriend Hamish Marshall didn't even know about my scars. I know Bucky has been trying to apologise to me for the last two days but I am just to mad at him at the moment to expected any apologies... I am just not ready to forgive him. I would have told Bucky about my scars eventually but only on my terms, when I was ready. Truth be told I am still very much in love with this soldier. I love him just as much as I did in the past... maybe more. I hope I can forgive him... one day but until then I have to find a way to be civil with him because seeing the pain in Bucky's by bony talking to him, hurts. It hurts and I hate seeing that I am the cause of his pain.

As Rochelle and Groot continued to talk, I pulled Bucky into the kitchen.

"Look I am still pissed at you but for the sake of the kids staying with us, I will talk to you but when they leave everything can go back to how it has been for the last two days." I told him

Bucky wore an emotionless expression on his face but I could see in his ocean blue eyes that the words I had just said caused him pain. Yet he simply nods to what I have said not wanting to argue.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing ( playing the national anthem which means Steve is calling me).

"Steve." I answered the phone

"Hey stiles, we have some information about the rumours Hydra base. There is supposed to be a meeting with Hydra agents tonight at a high schoolers party. The address is 55 Ginla Street."

"You want me to check it out?" I asked Stevie

"I need one of you to check it out."

"When you are done report back to me." Said Stevie

"Got it, okay, bye Stevie." I said hanging up

I looked at Bucky and Bucky looked at me before he sighed and said.

"Looks like I am Babysitter tonight."

With that I felt to my room to find an outfit for this party.

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