Chapter 11- Truth or Dare -part 1-

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Bucky's Pov:

Stiles had just left the house to see if Hydra are really at this teenager's party. He looked so good in his red hoodie and his tight black skinny jeans which outlined his perfect ... I really have to stop thinking about it before I send myself into a frenzy. Anyway, that leaves me alone in his two story house with a talking tree and a teenaged girl who could probably kill me with her glare. I looked at the strange alien talking tree and a quiet yet savage teenaged girl.

"So what do you guys want to do?"

They looked at each other before they looked back at me with an evil smirk spread across Rochelle's gloss painted lips.

"How about we make macaroni art?" I suggested hoping that they could do that instead of what they were planning.

"I'm Groot."

"Groot said 'How about we play Truth or Dare?'" Translated Rochelle with a smug expression

These two are going to be the death of me. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, we can play in the living room." I told them

"Who want to go first?" asked Rochelle

"I am Groot."

"I'm taking it that he wants to start." I guessed and Rochelle soon confirmed I was right.

"I'm Groot." Said the talking tree pointing at me

I sighed knowing that he had chosen me.

"Dare." I told Groot

"I AM Groot."

I was waited for Rochelle to translate what Groot had just said but she just burst out laugh, which lasted for about 2 minutes straight.

"Groot said 'He dares you to let me do your make up."

I pouted and looked at the tree.

"Fine but only toe nails and lipstick, I shall not wear eyeshadow."

They both nodded before Rochelle ran out of the living room to get her makeup from her bag, which was in the kitchen. 5 minutes later and I now have red lipstick on and my toe nails were painted red.

"Why red?" I asked her

"Because it's your colour."

"Happy, now it's my turn." I said

"Rochelle Truth or dare?" I asked her


"I dare you to go upstairs, grab one of Jayce's red hoodies and dye it pink."

I knew Stiles would be a bit mad but he had like ten other red hoodies. It took 30 minutes but stiles is now the proud owner of a pink hoodie.

"Okay my turn, Groot truth or dare?" Rochelle asked the tree

"I am Groot."

"Okay, Truth, can you say other English words beside I am groot?" asked Rochelle

"I am Groot." The tree answered

"Groot said 'He can't speak any other English words besides I and AM and Groot parasitically in that order."

"I am Groot." Said the tree

I knew he was asking me truth or dare


"I am Groot." Said the tree

"Groot said 'You have to let me colour your hair any colour I want." Translated Rochelle

This is the start of a very long night  

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